High Schoolers Donate Basketballs to West Valley Boys and Girls Club

Kids helping kids! Youth at the West Valley Boys and Girls Club were happy recipients of new basketballs donated by Hoops with Heart, a non-profit-pending organization founded by a teenager from Sierra Canyon High School.

Chatsworth, CA, October 24, 2013 --(PR.com)-- New basketballs donated Friday, October 18th, to the West Valley Boys and Girls Club in Canoga Park was a slam dunk success! The clubhouse kids were happy recipients of the new basketballs donated by Hoops with Heart, a non-profit-pending organization founded by Sierra Canyon High School student, Benjamin Messinger.

The Athletic Director of the Club, J.C. Arias, received the much needed donation from Hoops with Heart, and thanked the teens for making a positive difference in the community.

Upon delivery of the basketballs, Messinger and his team spent time with the kids on the Club’s basketball court shooting hoops and teaching them fun basketball drills. The contribution to the West Valley Boys and Girls Club was the first significant donation by the charitable organization that is in its inaugural first year. Sixteen-year-old Messinger, and Hoops with Heart Vice Presidents Ethan Schuchmacher and Robbie Feinberg, organized the donation after raising several hundred dollars through successful fundraisers held on and off their school campus. At the organization’s first fundraiser last May, teens got together at Schuchmacher’s home to hold a “NBA 2K tournament” with their friends to raise money. Next, Sierra Canyon High School gave them permission to host a basketball free-throw shooting contest in their state-of-the-art gym, where the high-schoolers dunked their hearts out to earn $3 donations per basket for the non-profit.

Hoops with Heart was founded by Messinger in the Spring of 2013, when he was seeking a meaningful way to contribute to his community. His life-long passion for basketball and team sports led him to start a non-profit with the goal of inspiring disadvantaged kids to become involved in and reap the benefits of athletic activity. He came upon the idea of creative fundraising to provide sports equipment for kids at area schools and other organizations in need. To get the ball rolling, Messinger designed t-shirts, bracelets, a facebook page, and website for the organization to promote their fundraising efforts and events.

Messinger says an important part of the organization’s efforts is not only to donate much needed sports equipment, but also to provide mentoring for at-risk youth by high-achieving, high school student-athletes. The teens hope to motivate kids to succeed through role-modeling and helping them to build confidence and a strong work ethic.

“Our goal is not just to help kids develop a love of sports, but also to encourage them to adopt a healthy lifestyle,” says Messinger. “We want to improve kid’s lives on and off the court.”

All funds raised by the organization go toward purchasing basketballs and other sports equipment for in-need youth organizations. To make a donation, or for more information, visit the Hoops with Heart website www.hoopswithheart.org and “like” their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/hoopswithheart.

About Hoops with Heart:
Hoops with Heart is an organization (non-profit status pending) whose mission is to share the love of basketball with underprivileged children through mentoring by high school student-athletes. For more information, go to - and “like” - the Hoops with Heart facebook page.
Hoops with Heart
Carolyn Moloshco