Florida Bible College - the Groundwork is Well Underway

Orlando, FL, October 27, 2013 --(PR.com)-- The groundwork for the formal restart of Florida Bible College is well underway. Not nearly as dramatic or exciting as some of the significant revelations that will be made in the weeks to come, such as the announcement of the location of the anchor campus, or the introduction of the President and key staff appointments, such foundational work is nevertheless essential to the stability and effectiveness of the school and its enduring ministry.

Several key policy decisions were finalized at the three-day meeting of the Board of Trustees during the first week of July which have been released and publicized on the FloridaBibleCollege.com web site. What is not so widely known is the faithful succession of almost weekly Trustee conference calls in the months preceding and following that face-to-face meeting. It is in these 1 to 2 hour meetings that the heart and passion that the Trustees have for this project is helping the rebirth of Florida Bible College to take shape.

Following one such meeting, the trustees were asked to share why they were so passionate about the restart of Florida Bible College. Why were they willing to commit of their time and financial resources to ensure the success of this venture? Board Chair, Joe Alessi, succinctly voiced this sentiment shared by his board colleagues, "FBC was very instrumental in changing my life path so I am very excited to be a part of the restart so we can bring that same experience to the next generation".

Similarly, John Boehm reminisced, "My time at FBC was one of great enlightenment of what it meant to give a clear Gospel message, to have a zeal for presenting that clear Gospel to the world. One of the lights for the Gospel went out when FBC closed in 1996. The youth of today desperately need that light. I have long envisioned a re-lighting of the FBC torch to re-ignite the spirit of FBC to reach the next generation with the clear Gospel of Christ, the generation of my children and my grandchildren."

Echoing and expanding on this theme was Ed Williamson, who, quoting the Spokesmen, explained, "This world is in a state of confusion, people not knowing where to turn. In these days, I am convinced that the answer to the problems of the world are very simple... the faithful, clear and bold presentation of the Gospel of Christ to a lost and blinded world. I am passionate about the restart of The Florida Bible College. Our mission is to teach and disciple believers to faithfully proclaim the Gospel of Christ. By maturing and preparing laborers for the work of the ministry, we can make a difference."

Stan Ponz made it clear that "If we confess that Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord then we will love the Lord with all our heart, soul, and mind while loving others as ourselves. And if we love others, then we will want them to come to put their faith alone in Jesus Christ and to go on to become fully obedient worshippers of God. Florida Bible College gives us the means to equip people with a biblical world-view for ministry to do this correctly, clearly, compassionately, courageously, and consistently... locally and globally!"

FBC Alumni Association founder Mels Carbonell summarized well, "I wholeheartedly recommend the restart and ministry of Florida Bible College. We need more ministries that will teach and share the gospel clearly. I sincerely encourage everyone to support this ministry for the glory of God and furtherance of the gospel. I am honored and humbled to serve as a leader, and look forward to what God is going to do through this ministry."

Please continue to pray for the Trustees as they guide the restart of Florida Bible College. Their faithful behind-the-scenes service in cultivating, planting, and watering will result in strong roots and vigorous growth, ultimately yielding a fruitful and sustained ministry for successive generations.
Florida Bible College
John Boehm