Healthcare Tourism International Launches the World’s First Accreditation Program for Health Tourism Companies

HTI survey shows that India, Philippines and Thailand top destinations for American medical tourists in 2007; Hungary, Cuba and Mexico tops list for dental tourists.

Los Angeles, CA, September 18, 2007 --( HealthCare Tourism International (HTI) launched the world’s first international accreditation system for health tourism companies today, after receiving 501 (c) (3) non-profit status from the U.S. IRS last week. The organization’s mission is to improve the patient safety, integrity and efficacy of the health tourism industry. "After almost two years of development, we’re pleased to launch our highly anticipated accreditation program which will provide international health seekers, a new level of safety," says Neilesh Patel, CEO & Co-Founder of HTI.

HTI received a letter of ruling from the IRS endorsing its non-profit status last week, and is the world’s first health tourism organization to receive such a ruling. The organization provides patients with a free complaint and dispute resolution service, unbiased information on health tourism and a cohesive voice for patients and their safety. Thus far in 2007, an HTI survey reports that India, Philippines and Thailand, respectively, are the top three desired destinations for Americans traveling abroad to receive medical care. Hungary, Cuba and Mexico, respectively, ranked in as the top desired destinations for Americans seeking dental care abroad. HTI plans to release a full report at the end of 2007.

The HealthCare Tourism International team is comprised of medical, dental, tourism and business experts from all facets of healthcare. The accreditation process entails improving the non-clinical aspects of the health tourism experience, which makes it a complementary system to the Joint Commissions International clinical accreditation system. Aspects such as business practices, patient recovery practices, travel logistics and language abilities all include areas covered by the accreditation system. A separate protocol has been developed for the following types of health tourism companies: hotel providers, health tourism travel agencies, non-ambulatory transport vehicles, hospitals with concierge services, airlines, translator/conveyance companies and insurance companies. To apply for self-certification or accreditation organizations must first register on HTI’s web site.


HealthCare Tourism International (, a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization, was launched in 2006 as the world’s first non-profit for health tourism safety and non-clinical accreditation. The organization’s patient-focused online portal, HealthCare Trip, provides patients with a free complaint resolution service, unbiased information on health tourism and one cohesive voice for patients and their safety. The organization also provides patients with a real-time safety alert service that alerts patients of international health risks. The organization launched the world’s first accreditation program for global health tourism companies in 2007. Operating with ethics at its core value, HTI’s employees and accrediting bodies do not have any financial interests in health tourism industries making it the only organization of its kind.

Press Contact:
Elliot Mendelsohn
HealthCare Tourism International
healthcare tourism international
Elliot Mendelsohn