Online Publishing Platform for Every Device Type & Screen Size - BlackMonk v3.0

BlackMonk CMS is a web + mobile publishing solution that helps you easily create, manage and monetize: portals, magazines, newspapers, business directories, or online communities.

Bangalore, India, November 27, 2013 --( DoubleSpring Media, a Bangalore based web+mobile development company, today announced the release of version 3.0 of Blackmonk CMS. With over 100 deployments of previous version world-over, the latest version of Blackmonk comes with new features like responsive design, content channels, an all-new community app, and dynamic widgets. These features enable online publishers to reach to a new audience and build an engaged community around the portal.

“With version 3.0, we have addressed two biggest worries of online media businesses - building a community around their portal, and reaching to the always-mobile audience,” said Shuhaib Shariff, CEO of DoubleSpring Media.

The new community app along with features like user generated content and social media integration, ensures that an ecosystem is built around the portal, giving it sustainability, while the responsive design ensures consistent user experience across desktop, mobile, and tablets. The new version also has responsive admin panels, thus enabling editorial staff to add content from tablets and smartphones.

The content channels feature lets editors create unlimited channels around popular topics, and aggregate not only articles, but also photos, videos, and events related to the topic. This gives readers a streamlined way to browse through their desired content.

The new version of Blackmonk also allows publishers to create dynamic widgets to showcase content or activity from their portal. Bloggers and owners of other websites can embed such widgets on their own webpages, thus driving traffic to the publisher’s portal.

More details about latest version of Blackmonk CMS can be found on Anyone interested can also sign up for a demo of the new version to see the CMS in action and understand its unique features.

About Blackmonk
BlackMonk CMS makes it possible for you to publish and monetize online magazines, portals, newspapers, business directories, journals or niche communities. Organize information and provide an interactive, personalized and vertically-focused media experience to users online.


About DoubleSpring Media
DoubleSpring is a new-media company, specialized in providing online media solutions to customers since 2008. The company combines most powerful aspects of research, design, technology and marketing to deliver elegant interfaces, thoughtful features and positive ROI to customers.


DoubleSpring Media
Huzefa Johar