EWNJ Announces January 28th Event: “A Seat at the Table – Celebrating Women and Board Leadership”
Executive Women of New Jersey (EWNJ) will host “A Seat at the Table – Celebrating Women and Board Leadership,” a January 28, 2014 breakfast and networking event that highlights the expanding role of women on corporate boards of directors. Campbell Soup Company’s President and CEO, Denise M. Morrison will serve as keynote speaker to the event, which also honors 17 New Jersey companies for commitment to board gender diversity.
Trenton, NJ, December 02, 2013 --(PR.com)-- - 17 NJ companies to be honored for board gender diversity
- Campbell Soup Company President & CEO Denise M. Morrison to give keynote
- Launch of inaugural “2014 Women in Leadership” research report to highlight state of board gender diversity and women’s executive leadership at NJ’s public companies
Executive Women of New Jersey (”EWNJ”), the region’s leading not-for-profit organization promoting women’s executive leadership in business and on corporate boards, announced today that it will host “A Seat at the Table – Celebrating Women and Board Leadership,” a January 28, 2014 breakfast and networking event that highlights the expanding role of women on corporate boards of directors. Campbell Soup Company’s President and CEO, Denise M. Morrison will serve as keynote speaker to the event, which also honors 17
New Jersey companies for commitment to board gender diversity.
The centerpiece for the event will be the inaugural launch of EWNJ and PwC’s “A Seat at the Table: Celebrating Women and Leadership” research report, which provides new statistics on women’s board participation and executive leadership at New Jersey’s top public companies. A copy of this report will be provided to event attendees and the results announced to the public the day of the event.
“The launch of this new report on women’s board participation represents a major milestone for EWNJ,” says Keitha Lackey, EWNJ President. “Expanding board gender diversity is not the work of women alone. As such, we look forward to celebrating this launch with both male and female colleagues alike at what we expect to be a very exciting program and networking event.”
The seventeen companies to be honored at the event include (in alphabetical order): American Water Works, Becton Dickinson, Campbell Soup Company, The Chubb Corporation, D&B, Hertz Global Holdings, Honeywell International, Immunomedics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Johnson & Johnson, Maidenform Brands, Inc., Northfield Bancorp, Inc., Prudential Financial, Inc., Realogy Holdings Corporation, Selective Insurance Group, Inc., South Jersey Industries, Inc., and Vitamin Shoppe. Each company was identified as having three or more women directors on its corporate board and will receive EWNJ’s “Corporate Board Gender Diversity Award” in celebration of their demonstrated commitment to gender diversity.
The event will take place Tuesday, January 28th from 7:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. at the Hilton East Brunswick. Breakfast and networking begin at 7:30 a.m. The program starts at 8:00 a.m. Tables of 10 are $650. Individual seats are $60 (EWNJ Members) and $75 (Non-Members). To reserve a seat at the table, visit: https://ewnjsaseatatthetable.eventbrite.com.
The program is part of a series of events and educational initiatives by EWNJ and its Board Appointment Committee to champion board diversity and expand the presence of women on corporate boards. Recently EWNJ announced its acceptance into the membership of InterOrganizationNetwork (ION), a national organization, representing more than 10,000 women, that advocates for the advancement of women to board of directors and executive-level positions.
For more information on the event and available sponsorship opportunities, email execwomennj@ewnj.org.
Public and private companies seeking to add board gender diversity are invited to email board@ewnj.org. EWNJ’s Board Appointments Committee offers confidential advice and assistance identifying potential director candidates.
About Executive Women of New Jersey
Founded in 1980, EWNJ is where New Jersey’s executive women connect and collaborate across all sectors to share experiences, develop relationships, and build business. Through “Salute to the Policy Makers,” its signature, biennial event, EWNJ has raised over $1.1 million in scholarships for New Jersey women pursuing advanced degrees. For more information, visit www.ewnj.org.
- Campbell Soup Company President & CEO Denise M. Morrison to give keynote
- Launch of inaugural “2014 Women in Leadership” research report to highlight state of board gender diversity and women’s executive leadership at NJ’s public companies
Executive Women of New Jersey (”EWNJ”), the region’s leading not-for-profit organization promoting women’s executive leadership in business and on corporate boards, announced today that it will host “A Seat at the Table – Celebrating Women and Board Leadership,” a January 28, 2014 breakfast and networking event that highlights the expanding role of women on corporate boards of directors. Campbell Soup Company’s President and CEO, Denise M. Morrison will serve as keynote speaker to the event, which also honors 17
New Jersey companies for commitment to board gender diversity.
The centerpiece for the event will be the inaugural launch of EWNJ and PwC’s “A Seat at the Table: Celebrating Women and Leadership” research report, which provides new statistics on women’s board participation and executive leadership at New Jersey’s top public companies. A copy of this report will be provided to event attendees and the results announced to the public the day of the event.
“The launch of this new report on women’s board participation represents a major milestone for EWNJ,” says Keitha Lackey, EWNJ President. “Expanding board gender diversity is not the work of women alone. As such, we look forward to celebrating this launch with both male and female colleagues alike at what we expect to be a very exciting program and networking event.”
The seventeen companies to be honored at the event include (in alphabetical order): American Water Works, Becton Dickinson, Campbell Soup Company, The Chubb Corporation, D&B, Hertz Global Holdings, Honeywell International, Immunomedics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Johnson & Johnson, Maidenform Brands, Inc., Northfield Bancorp, Inc., Prudential Financial, Inc., Realogy Holdings Corporation, Selective Insurance Group, Inc., South Jersey Industries, Inc., and Vitamin Shoppe. Each company was identified as having three or more women directors on its corporate board and will receive EWNJ’s “Corporate Board Gender Diversity Award” in celebration of their demonstrated commitment to gender diversity.
The event will take place Tuesday, January 28th from 7:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. at the Hilton East Brunswick. Breakfast and networking begin at 7:30 a.m. The program starts at 8:00 a.m. Tables of 10 are $650. Individual seats are $60 (EWNJ Members) and $75 (Non-Members). To reserve a seat at the table, visit: https://ewnjsaseatatthetable.eventbrite.com.
The program is part of a series of events and educational initiatives by EWNJ and its Board Appointment Committee to champion board diversity and expand the presence of women on corporate boards. Recently EWNJ announced its acceptance into the membership of InterOrganizationNetwork (ION), a national organization, representing more than 10,000 women, that advocates for the advancement of women to board of directors and executive-level positions.
For more information on the event and available sponsorship opportunities, email execwomennj@ewnj.org.
Public and private companies seeking to add board gender diversity are invited to email board@ewnj.org. EWNJ’s Board Appointments Committee offers confidential advice and assistance identifying potential director candidates.
About Executive Women of New Jersey
Founded in 1980, EWNJ is where New Jersey’s executive women connect and collaborate across all sectors to share experiences, develop relationships, and build business. Through “Salute to the Policy Makers,” its signature, biennial event, EWNJ has raised over $1.1 million in scholarships for New Jersey women pursuing advanced degrees. For more information, visit www.ewnj.org.
Executive Women of New Jersey (EWNJ)
Tara Flynn Condon / Public Relations Chair
Tara Flynn Condon / Public Relations Chair


EWNJ Announces January 28th Event
Word version of press release