Capita Conferences Announces Details of Their Child Serious Case Reviews Conference - Monday 31st March 2014
The Child Serious Case Reviews Conference addresses the latest developments in the delivery of Serious Case Reviews (SCRs). Bringing together successful models delivering a systems methodology approach, this event examines the following key areas including analysing the different models of SCRs available, delivering an effective local learning and improvement framework and understanding the role of the national panel of experts.
Central London, United Kingdom, February 20, 2014 --( With the release of the Department for Education’s Working Together to Safeguard Children guidance last year, ensuring transparent and accountable processes to reduce the risk of future tragedies is crucial. Do not miss the opportunity to hear from leading professionals from local authorities, health and the criminal justice sector provide insight into the latest policy in conducting effective SCRs that translate into meaningful service improvement.
Keynote: Stephanie Brivio, Assistant Director, Child Protection, Department for Education
Chair: David Sanders, London Regional Director, Association of Independent Local Safeguarding Children Board Chairs and Independent Chair, Newham LSCB
Donna Forsyth, Associate Director of Patient Safety (Investigation and Training), NHS England
Hannah Roscoe and Sarah Peel, Interim Heads of Learning Together, Social Care Institute for Excellence
David Ashcroft, Independent Chair, South Tyneside Local Safeguarding Children Board
Richard Long, Detective Chief Inspector, Protecting Vulnerable People Department, Warwickshire Police and West Mercia Police
Lisa Windridge, Senior Crown Prosecutor, West Midlands Crown Prosecution Service
Benefits of Attending
You will hear from the Department for Education on the latest national policy on Serious Case Reviews and the role of the national panel of independent experts
Participate in a panel discussion exploring the different models available for SCRs to enable you to choose the right model for the circumstances
Gain insight from an SCR author and independent chair on engaging with practitioners and staff throughout the SCR process, and through to implementation
Understand the process and implications in managing SCRs alongside criminal investigations
Explore the approach one area is taking in the implementation of its local learning and improvement framework
Discover how to develop and improve multi-agency information sharing processes
For more information:
Visit the website:
Download the brochure:
Or contact Matthew Simpson –
Keynote: Stephanie Brivio, Assistant Director, Child Protection, Department for Education
Chair: David Sanders, London Regional Director, Association of Independent Local Safeguarding Children Board Chairs and Independent Chair, Newham LSCB
Donna Forsyth, Associate Director of Patient Safety (Investigation and Training), NHS England
Hannah Roscoe and Sarah Peel, Interim Heads of Learning Together, Social Care Institute for Excellence
David Ashcroft, Independent Chair, South Tyneside Local Safeguarding Children Board
Richard Long, Detective Chief Inspector, Protecting Vulnerable People Department, Warwickshire Police and West Mercia Police
Lisa Windridge, Senior Crown Prosecutor, West Midlands Crown Prosecution Service
Benefits of Attending
You will hear from the Department for Education on the latest national policy on Serious Case Reviews and the role of the national panel of independent experts
Participate in a panel discussion exploring the different models available for SCRs to enable you to choose the right model for the circumstances
Gain insight from an SCR author and independent chair on engaging with practitioners and staff throughout the SCR process, and through to implementation
Understand the process and implications in managing SCRs alongside criminal investigations
Explore the approach one area is taking in the implementation of its local learning and improvement framework
Discover how to develop and improve multi-agency information sharing processes
For more information:
Visit the website:
Download the brochure:
Or contact Matthew Simpson –
Capita Conferences
Matthew Simpson
020 7960 7720
Matthew Simpson
020 7960 7720
