Airbrushing Photos - Can It be a Positive Thing?

Digitally manipulated or airbrushed photographs get a bad press but there is a new service around that’s creating a positive buzz specifically for people trying to lose weight.

Gwent, United Kingdom, October 03, 2007 --( See Yourself Slimmer (SYS) has made it possible for ordinary people to be able to see just what they could look like slim. Customers send in their original photo along with roughly how much weight loss they would like to see; their slimmer photo is returned within 5 working days along with a full money back guarantee. What’s more if they want a few wrinkles or spots covered up they can have that too. Prices start from £19.99.

One customer called Frances has lost over 4 ½ stone since having her slimmer photo done and said “Suddenly I had something positive to work towards. Before I couldn’t imagine myself as a slim person; now I look and feel like a different person and in fact don’t look far off my slimmer photo. I’m determined never to go back”.

Founder and owner of SYS Fiona Conway said “I can’t see the incentive behind the advice to stick a ‘fat’ photo on your fridge; a ‘thin’ one really gives you something positive to aim for and therefore makes your goal more achievable”.

See Yourself Slimmer
Fiona Conway
0845 257 1078