New Book Release: "Joe Public's Political Perspective" by Billy Ray Chitwood - His Conservative Opinions on the State of the Union in This Important Election Year, 2014
The new book, "Joe Public's Political Perspective," is a private citizen's views on the perceived drift of our nation away from the freedom and liberty outlined in the Constitution of the United States. The book covers the author's observations on important issues that face our nation in this election year of 2014.
Spencer, TN, March 11, 2014 --( Who do you want governing this country of ours?
What kind of government do you want? What kind of nation do you want your children and grandchildren to inherit?
Where do we find people we can trust to operate the machinery of
Why is the nation divided on so many issues that face us?
How do we solve the problems that now exist and how did we stray so far away from our greatness as a nation other countries admired and respected?
Do you believe that the lessons from history are important, that the mistakes made generations ago should not come full circle and occur again?
The following statements are from Billy Ray Chitwood, author of "Joe Public's Political Perspective," regarding his book and the state of the government:
"'Joe Public's Political Perspective' does not answer all of these questions but offers a plea that 'we the people' consider changing politics and government into an honest enterprise, that we change our quid pro quo mentality and absorption with special interest groups, that we deliver 'change' based on our best historical analyses, that we do away with career politicians with term limitations, and that we truthfully uphold our sacred documents for governing.
"'Joe Public's Political Perspective' is a book of simple observations, not presented from a political analyst's or pundit's point of view. The book is of a conservative bent, but it does recognize that the two-party system creates divisiveness, lack of civility and rancor of the worst kind, that both parties have participated in the budget crisis, the country's low esteem throughout the world, and the grid-lock atmosphere in Washington.
"The book deals with the economy, education, security and other topics in a straightforward way, and it suggests that we have created a giant monster in Washington, D. C. that wastes our hard-earned dollars by its bureaucratic appetites and its entitlement mentalities. The book suggests that we need to find provably good and honest people to handle the nation's affairs, people who will trim the waste and multi-trillion dollar budget. The book speaks of present government programs and taxation that take incentive away from the entrepreneurs and job creators, of downsizing our armed forces, and of sluggish response to our energy needs. The book suggests that superior strength and military might does not mean bully-status, but, rather that strength through military might precludes rogue nations from having battle-thoughts. Finally the book suggests that those in our country who through no fault of their own - from medical necessity, aging, and mental problems - need the government's help, perhaps beyond the current safety nets provided for them.
"'Joe Public's Political Perspective' attempts some answers to the problems we face, perhaps none more corrosive to our freedom and liberty than the so-called 'Affordable Healthcare Act' - euphemistically referred to as Obamacare. The book's position is that this act will have far-reaching financial and socialistic impact on our democracy than any act in the foreseeable past. It needs to be repealed and/or changed because it will have devastating effects not only to the public but to the insurance companies that underwrite it.
"So, the who, what, where, when, and how questions about our nation's well-being are explored in 'Joe Public's Political Perspective' by a citizen who does not apologize for his conservative stance. 2014 is a pivotal year in politics for the United States. Our democracy is being challenged. We all need to be more aware of the forces at work and become more involved in understanding them. It is your elected government and they work for you - not the other way around. It is your money that the government is spending. Whatever your political persuasion, make your voices heard."
(You can Google the author's name: Billy Ray Chitwood for more information about his books and about his life or you can visit his website.)
What kind of government do you want? What kind of nation do you want your children and grandchildren to inherit?
Where do we find people we can trust to operate the machinery of
Why is the nation divided on so many issues that face us?
How do we solve the problems that now exist and how did we stray so far away from our greatness as a nation other countries admired and respected?
Do you believe that the lessons from history are important, that the mistakes made generations ago should not come full circle and occur again?
The following statements are from Billy Ray Chitwood, author of "Joe Public's Political Perspective," regarding his book and the state of the government:
"'Joe Public's Political Perspective' does not answer all of these questions but offers a plea that 'we the people' consider changing politics and government into an honest enterprise, that we change our quid pro quo mentality and absorption with special interest groups, that we deliver 'change' based on our best historical analyses, that we do away with career politicians with term limitations, and that we truthfully uphold our sacred documents for governing.
"'Joe Public's Political Perspective' is a book of simple observations, not presented from a political analyst's or pundit's point of view. The book is of a conservative bent, but it does recognize that the two-party system creates divisiveness, lack of civility and rancor of the worst kind, that both parties have participated in the budget crisis, the country's low esteem throughout the world, and the grid-lock atmosphere in Washington.
"The book deals with the economy, education, security and other topics in a straightforward way, and it suggests that we have created a giant monster in Washington, D. C. that wastes our hard-earned dollars by its bureaucratic appetites and its entitlement mentalities. The book suggests that we need to find provably good and honest people to handle the nation's affairs, people who will trim the waste and multi-trillion dollar budget. The book speaks of present government programs and taxation that take incentive away from the entrepreneurs and job creators, of downsizing our armed forces, and of sluggish response to our energy needs. The book suggests that superior strength and military might does not mean bully-status, but, rather that strength through military might precludes rogue nations from having battle-thoughts. Finally the book suggests that those in our country who through no fault of their own - from medical necessity, aging, and mental problems - need the government's help, perhaps beyond the current safety nets provided for them.
"'Joe Public's Political Perspective' attempts some answers to the problems we face, perhaps none more corrosive to our freedom and liberty than the so-called 'Affordable Healthcare Act' - euphemistically referred to as Obamacare. The book's position is that this act will have far-reaching financial and socialistic impact on our democracy than any act in the foreseeable past. It needs to be repealed and/or changed because it will have devastating effects not only to the public but to the insurance companies that underwrite it.
"So, the who, what, where, when, and how questions about our nation's well-being are explored in 'Joe Public's Political Perspective' by a citizen who does not apologize for his conservative stance. 2014 is a pivotal year in politics for the United States. Our democracy is being challenged. We all need to be more aware of the forces at work and become more involved in understanding them. It is your elected government and they work for you - not the other way around. It is your money that the government is spending. Whatever your political persuasion, make your voices heard."
(You can Google the author's name: Billy Ray Chitwood for more information about his books and about his life or you can visit his website.)
Billy Ray Chitwood
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