Expanding Empire: Alliance Cigar to Distribute Highly Rated REINADO® "Grand Empire Reserve" Cigar Line

The partnership provides tobacconists and cigar smokers greater access to REINADO's world-class "Grand Empire Reserve" Nicaraguan puro cigars.

Expanding Empire: Alliance Cigar to Distribute Highly Rated REINADO® "Grand Empire Reserve" Cigar Line
Oradell, NJ, April 16, 2014 --(PR.com)-- Building upon exceptional ratings and demand for its cigars, REINADO and Cigar Alliance will work together to help meet the growing demand for this popular, premium boutique cigar.

Through the relationship, Alliance Cigar will make the entire Grand Empire Reserve product line available to retail tobacco shops, including:

• Ltd. Edition Petit Lancero - 6 x 38 (Rated 95)
• Corona Gorda - 5 5/8 x 46 (Rated 90)
• Elegidos - 5 x 55 (Rated 92)
• Toro - 6 x 52 (Rated 92)
• Gordo - 6 x 60

REINADO and Alliance Cigar will also work together on several projects that will be exclusive to the partnership.

"We are excited about the opportunity to work with Antonio to build consumer and retailer awareness for his superbly blended REIANDO brand. As interested as we are in the brand, the opportunity to work with a uniquely talented and dedicated cigar professional like Antonio is an additional reason we are dedicated to this project," said Tom Sullivan, Founder of Alliance Cigar.

"We are delighted to work with such an experienced and successful distributor such as Alliance Cigar to enhance access to REINADO for retailers and passionate cigar smokers," said Antonio Lam, owner of REINADO Cigars. "Most importantly, I look forward to a successful long-term relationship with Tom Sullivan and Alliance Cigar."

About Alliance Cigar:
Alliance Cigar is America's premier wholesale distributor of premium imported cigar brands. Founded in 1997 by industry veteran Tom Sullivan, Alliance Cigar represents more than 100 premium imported cigar brands. Alliance Cigar provides customers with unparalleled choice, availability, customer service and knowledge of the imported premium cigar market.

Tom Sullivan
Web: http://www.alliancecigar.com/

REINADO Cigars create uniquely fermented, handmade premium boutique cigars that consistently receive exceptional ratings from the cigar industry. REINADO is committed to delivering the highest quality cigars that smokers appreciate and enjoy.

Antonio Lam
Web: http://www.reinadocigars.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/reinadocigars
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/reinadocigars
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/reinado_cigars
Antonio Lam
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/reinadocigars
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/reinadocigars
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/reinado_cigars
REINADO Grand Empire Reserve

REINADO Grand Empire Reserve

Box of REINADO's Award-Winning Grand Empire Reserve Cigars.
