New Test Mentoring Program Helps Troubled Teacher Candidates Pass The Praxis II Exam

Thousands of people take the Praxis II subject matter tests every year, and scores of them fail, putting their dreams of teaching on hold. New Test Mentoring Program Helps Troubled Teacher Candidates Pass The Praxis II Exam.

Beaverton, OR, October 13, 2007 --( Thousands of people take the Praxis II subject matter tests every year, and scores of them fail, putting their dreams of teaching on hold.

Retaking the test costs a lot of money, not to mention the lost wages and frustration involved in delaying a new career. But the right kind of test preparation and Praxis II study guide can take the uncertainty out of taking the Praxis and allow test takers to see their bright future as a certificated teacher.

Mark R. Buckingham, a certificated educator, saw the total frustration of education students struggling to pass the Praxis II. "I saw so many bright, would-be teachers failing over and over again. I knew there had to be a better solution. A team of colleagues and I began several months of mind-boggling research and discovered a simple science to passing the Praxis," says Buckingham.

"The well known Praxis study guides thousands of test takers use give people information overload and are usually three or four years out of date," says Buckingham. "When you have a 300-page book in front of you, you don't know what to focus on. A very competent test taker can end up failing the Praxis 2 test because they may have studied the wrong test content for weeks or even months. "My solution for test takers is to give them updated, real Praxis test content as well as a Praxis II test coaching program by former test takers to ensure test success."

More than just a Praxis 2 study guide, this program gives test takers a laser- beam-like focus for success on an exam where anything is fair game. It aims to give test takers a "unfair advantage" by offering a customized test success plan that helps pinpoint individual's weaknesses and helps exploit the test's weaknesses for maximum success. This approach helps Praxis test takers get geometric improvements with a very small inputs of time, even in their weakest areas.

"With our program, 21 percent more test-takers are successful compared to other Praxis II study guides out there," Buckingham says. "That means more than 87 percent of people who go through the program pass on the first try and are now enjoying the career of their dreams.

"Our study guides are like an ethical, legal cheat sheet," he says. "They're updated monthly so you're getting the best information and all the help you need to pass the test on your first try."

The Praxis II Comprehensive Success System appears to be working, as over 21,000 test takers have passed using it. Buckingham stands behind his program by offering a 100 percent money back passing guarantee.

For more information and to receive a free e-course on insider secrets to the Praxis 2 test, visit

Mark Buckingham
Teaching Solutions

Teaching Solutions
Mark Buckingham