Celesq® Announces Upcoming CLE Programs in Legal Ethics; Litigation and E-Discovery; Post-DOMA Developments
Boca Raton, FL, May 30, 2014 --(PR.com)-- Celesq® AttorneysEd Center has announced the following web casts starting June 4, 2014:
Ethical Issues in Litigation Practice (2429)
Live web cast: June 17, 2014 (12:00 noon ET)
Bruce Kelly, Arnold & Porter LLP, covers issues that repeatedly arise in litigation practice, focusing on the relevant New York ethical rules and their counterpart rules in the ABA Model Code of Professional Responsibility. Topics include: conflicts, waivers, and termination of the attorney-client relationship; dealing with employees when litigation counsel represents the employer; the duty of candor to a tribunal and the problem of falsely testifying witnesses and clients; trial publicity; the lawyer as witness; contact with unrepresented parties and the emerging problems arising from use of social media; special limitations on solicitation in personal injury cases; unauthorized practice of law in a multijurisdictional practice environment; problems that arise in the context of settlement; and reporting violations by others.
Current Ethical Issues for In-House Counsel: E-Discovery, Contacts with Unrepresented Persons, Consultants and More (2430)
Live web cast: June 10, 2014 (12:00 noon ET)
Roger Lane and Courtney Worcester explore ethical issues raised by technology (cloud computing and electronic discovery), dealing with unrepresented parties, conflicts of interest, maintaining privileges with consultants, conducting internal investigations and wearing the dual hats of lawyer and business person. ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 4.3 and others are discussed.
The Role of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Electronic Discovery (2428)
Live web cast: June 4, 2014 (12:00 noon ET)
Steve Bennett, Park Jensen Bennett LLP, discusses the potential role of ADR in e-discovery issues. Topics include the importance of cooperation and transparency in e-discovery; ethical obligations of counsel; ADR alternatives (Magistrate Judges, special masters, mediators); pilot programs and future developments; and best practices.
Cross Border E-Discovery (2435)
Live web cast: June 24, 2014 (12:00 noon ET)
Multinational companies are confronted with numerous legal issues when faced with document discovery in U.S. litigation. In this program, Jones Day attorneys Carmen McLean, Kristen Lejnieks, and Jennifer Everett identify and discuss those issues, including many of the conflicting legal requirements related to e-discovery, both generally and specifically with respect to the impact on companies with a presence in Japan and/or China.
Employee Benefits for Same-Sex Partners-Required Benefits and Best Practices Post-DOMA (2424)
Live web cast: June 25, 2014 (12:00 noon ET)
The Supreme Court's June 2013 ruling regarding DOMA had dramatic implications for employee benefit plans and requires many plans that did not previously cover same-sex spouses to do so. In addition, more states continue to legalize same-sex marriage, and the federal and state taxation of health benefits offered to same-sex partners has grown more complicated. The IRS has issued some guidance, but has not yet issued critical guidance governing the retroactive impact of the Supreme Court ruling. Todd Solomon, McDermott Will & Emery LLP, discusses the Court's ruling, the future of DOMA and same-sex partner benefits, the current and future IRS and DOL guidance on the subject (including the anticipated summer 2014 guidance), and the impacts of all of these developments on benefit plan sponsors.
Attorneys wishing to register for any of the live web casts, or to learn more about the programs, may visit www.celesq.com and click on Celesq® Upcoming Webcasts, accessed at btly link to http://www.celesq.com/news/category/hot_topic.
The web casts will be recorded and, like all Celesq® programs, will be available on demand and on CD directly from Celesq® (www.celesq.com). For more information about any of the programs, or to place an order from Celesq®, you may visit their web site at www.celesq.com and click on the program(s) in which you are interested; or email them at customer.care@celesq.com.
About Celesq® AttorneysEd Center
Celesq® AttorneysEd Center (www.celesq.com), a nationally-recognized leader in providing high-quality continuing legal education programs to attorneys throughout the United States, focuses on the hottest topics and latest trends in practice areas of particular interest to outside and in-house corporate attorneys and litigators. A pioneer in online CLE, Celesq® today offers its programs in a variety of convenient formats, including live web casts, online streaming audio and audio CDs. Contact Sharon Levine Mirsky, Esq., at (561) 241-1919 or slmirsky@celesq.com for more information.
Ethical Issues in Litigation Practice (2429)
Live web cast: June 17, 2014 (12:00 noon ET)
Bruce Kelly, Arnold & Porter LLP, covers issues that repeatedly arise in litigation practice, focusing on the relevant New York ethical rules and their counterpart rules in the ABA Model Code of Professional Responsibility. Topics include: conflicts, waivers, and termination of the attorney-client relationship; dealing with employees when litigation counsel represents the employer; the duty of candor to a tribunal and the problem of falsely testifying witnesses and clients; trial publicity; the lawyer as witness; contact with unrepresented parties and the emerging problems arising from use of social media; special limitations on solicitation in personal injury cases; unauthorized practice of law in a multijurisdictional practice environment; problems that arise in the context of settlement; and reporting violations by others.
Current Ethical Issues for In-House Counsel: E-Discovery, Contacts with Unrepresented Persons, Consultants and More (2430)
Live web cast: June 10, 2014 (12:00 noon ET)
Roger Lane and Courtney Worcester explore ethical issues raised by technology (cloud computing and electronic discovery), dealing with unrepresented parties, conflicts of interest, maintaining privileges with consultants, conducting internal investigations and wearing the dual hats of lawyer and business person. ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 4.3 and others are discussed.
The Role of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Electronic Discovery (2428)
Live web cast: June 4, 2014 (12:00 noon ET)
Steve Bennett, Park Jensen Bennett LLP, discusses the potential role of ADR in e-discovery issues. Topics include the importance of cooperation and transparency in e-discovery; ethical obligations of counsel; ADR alternatives (Magistrate Judges, special masters, mediators); pilot programs and future developments; and best practices.
Cross Border E-Discovery (2435)
Live web cast: June 24, 2014 (12:00 noon ET)
Multinational companies are confronted with numerous legal issues when faced with document discovery in U.S. litigation. In this program, Jones Day attorneys Carmen McLean, Kristen Lejnieks, and Jennifer Everett identify and discuss those issues, including many of the conflicting legal requirements related to e-discovery, both generally and specifically with respect to the impact on companies with a presence in Japan and/or China.
Employee Benefits for Same-Sex Partners-Required Benefits and Best Practices Post-DOMA (2424)
Live web cast: June 25, 2014 (12:00 noon ET)
The Supreme Court's June 2013 ruling regarding DOMA had dramatic implications for employee benefit plans and requires many plans that did not previously cover same-sex spouses to do so. In addition, more states continue to legalize same-sex marriage, and the federal and state taxation of health benefits offered to same-sex partners has grown more complicated. The IRS has issued some guidance, but has not yet issued critical guidance governing the retroactive impact of the Supreme Court ruling. Todd Solomon, McDermott Will & Emery LLP, discusses the Court's ruling, the future of DOMA and same-sex partner benefits, the current and future IRS and DOL guidance on the subject (including the anticipated summer 2014 guidance), and the impacts of all of these developments on benefit plan sponsors.
Attorneys wishing to register for any of the live web casts, or to learn more about the programs, may visit www.celesq.com and click on Celesq® Upcoming Webcasts, accessed at btly link to http://www.celesq.com/news/category/hot_topic.
The web casts will be recorded and, like all Celesq® programs, will be available on demand and on CD directly from Celesq® (www.celesq.com). For more information about any of the programs, or to place an order from Celesq®, you may visit their web site at www.celesq.com and click on the program(s) in which you are interested; or email them at customer.care@celesq.com.
About Celesq® AttorneysEd Center
Celesq® AttorneysEd Center (www.celesq.com), a nationally-recognized leader in providing high-quality continuing legal education programs to attorneys throughout the United States, focuses on the hottest topics and latest trends in practice areas of particular interest to outside and in-house corporate attorneys and litigators. A pioneer in online CLE, Celesq® today offers its programs in a variety of convenient formats, including live web casts, online streaming audio and audio CDs. Contact Sharon Levine Mirsky, Esq., at (561) 241-1919 or slmirsky@celesq.com for more information.
Celesq(R) AttorneysEd Center
Michael J. Mirsky
Sharon Levine Mirsky Esq.
Michael J. Mirsky
Sharon Levine Mirsky Esq.
