Biokvant LLC, Russia Developed an Electronic Device That Can Repeat the Work of Authentic Master of Ayurvedic Pulse Diagnosis
Master of authentic pulse diagnosis and Director of Ayurvedic Institute Dr. Vasant Lad tested the possibilities of VedaPulse™ computer pulse diagnosis system. Dr. Vasant Lad performed a traditional palpation pulse diagnosis on a volunteer. Dr. Oleg Sorokin, Director of Biokvant Ltd., Russia (company that produces VedaPulse™ devices) performed testing on the same volunteer using VedaPulse™. Then they compared results.
Novosibirsk, Russia, June 27, 2014 --( VedaPulse™ is an innovative medical device for providing the in-depth health diagnosis based on two methods: Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and the author’s methodology, created on the basis of the traditional pulse diagnosis in the Indo-Tibetan Medicine (Ayurveda).
While developing algorithms for VedaPulse™ computer pulse diagnosis, Dr. Sorokin was using ideas of the famous Ayurvedic doctor in the West - Dr. Vasant Lad. And recently he had a chance to meet him in person in his Institute’s headquarters in Albuquerque, NM and to demonstrate his device. Traditional pulse diagnosis performed by Dr. Lad and testing done with VedaPulse™ device showed identical results (read more:
Dr. Vasant Lad and NAMA (National Ayurvedic Medical Association) Board of Directors highly praised VedaPulse™ algorithms as they allow to objectify authentic Ayurvedic terms and concepts.
Currently in many Western countries (in particular, Germany, USA) Ayurvedic medicine is getting legalized. Unfortunately, in most of the European countries, Canada, South America this process is at its infant state. This brings up the very important question of developing standards, based on objective diagnostic methods – which is a necessary condition for legal approval of authentic Ayurveda and its integration into insurance medicine.
While talking with Dr. Lad’s students, many of which are also teachers of his Ayurvedic course, Dr. Sorokin found out that he has been dreaming that one of his followers would create a pulse reading device that could help objectify the teaching process and standardize methods for treatment prescription. We know that if three Vaidyas read pulse of the same patient, they will get three different conclusions based on their knowledge level. That’s why Ayurvedic community needs an internationally approved technology that could objectively evaluate patient’s condition based on Ayurvedic principles.
In conclusion Dr. Vasant Lad said: “Wonderful! You are the first scientist who created such accurate algorithm. Everything I found out in this patient, your device could also see. I’ve seen many devices that were said to be based on Ayurveda principles but none of them was good enough."
Ayurvedic Institute and NAMA members expressed their desire to work together with Dr. Sorokin’s company to further popularize Ayurveda among Western doctors in USA, Russia and internationally.
Biokvant LLC is a fast growing company specializing in development, manufacturing and promotion of medical equipment both on Russian and international markets.
Company was founded in 2006.
Address: 1st pereulok Parkhomenko, 14, Novosibirsk, 630108, Russian Federation
Tel: +7 383 334 01 79
While developing algorithms for VedaPulse™ computer pulse diagnosis, Dr. Sorokin was using ideas of the famous Ayurvedic doctor in the West - Dr. Vasant Lad. And recently he had a chance to meet him in person in his Institute’s headquarters in Albuquerque, NM and to demonstrate his device. Traditional pulse diagnosis performed by Dr. Lad and testing done with VedaPulse™ device showed identical results (read more:
Dr. Vasant Lad and NAMA (National Ayurvedic Medical Association) Board of Directors highly praised VedaPulse™ algorithms as they allow to objectify authentic Ayurvedic terms and concepts.
Currently in many Western countries (in particular, Germany, USA) Ayurvedic medicine is getting legalized. Unfortunately, in most of the European countries, Canada, South America this process is at its infant state. This brings up the very important question of developing standards, based on objective diagnostic methods – which is a necessary condition for legal approval of authentic Ayurveda and its integration into insurance medicine.
While talking with Dr. Lad’s students, many of which are also teachers of his Ayurvedic course, Dr. Sorokin found out that he has been dreaming that one of his followers would create a pulse reading device that could help objectify the teaching process and standardize methods for treatment prescription. We know that if three Vaidyas read pulse of the same patient, they will get three different conclusions based on their knowledge level. That’s why Ayurvedic community needs an internationally approved technology that could objectively evaluate patient’s condition based on Ayurvedic principles.
In conclusion Dr. Vasant Lad said: “Wonderful! You are the first scientist who created such accurate algorithm. Everything I found out in this patient, your device could also see. I’ve seen many devices that were said to be based on Ayurveda principles but none of them was good enough."
Ayurvedic Institute and NAMA members expressed their desire to work together with Dr. Sorokin’s company to further popularize Ayurveda among Western doctors in USA, Russia and internationally.
Biokvant LLC is a fast growing company specializing in development, manufacturing and promotion of medical equipment both on Russian and international markets.
Company was founded in 2006.
Address: 1st pereulok Parkhomenko, 14, Novosibirsk, 630108, Russian Federation
Tel: +7 383 334 01 79
Biokvant LLC
Anna Chistyakova
Anna Chistyakova
