LiceDoctors Reports Summer Surge of Head Lice in Virginia Beach and Other Virginia Locations
LiceDoctors Head Lice Treatment and Nit Removal Service is reporting an unprecedented number of calls from families in Virginia in Virginia Beach and Hampton Roads, Fairfax, Richmond and Charlottesville.
Virginia Beach, VA, June 28, 2014 --( Lousey. Nitpicky. Buggy. Head lice have spawned a litany of vernacular that have found its way into our every day conversations. All have a negative connotations and there is a reason for that; head lice are nasty little parasites. They cause itching and worse than that they wreak havoc with the psyches of many otherwise sane families. Enter LiceDoctors Head Lice Treatment and Nit Removal Service that service families in Virginia in the Virginia Beach and Hampton Roads area as well as in Fairfax County, Richmond, and Charlottesville and surrounding areas.
Summer is lice season and there is a surge in the incidence of head lice in these areas. Wendy Beck, owner of LiceDoctors with 18 years experience in the lice field, reports that lice are mutating and becoming highly resistant to chemical treatments and have earned the name "super lice."
According to Beck, often parents think that they have successfully treated their child using chemical products, when, in fact, the bugs have become highly resistant to the chemicals. In addition, the nit has a very hard shell which prevents penetration of the chemical into the shell and protects the baby louse. "Parents often rely on chemical lice treatments to eradicate lice, and these treatment often do not work. All lice in the hair must be killed and and the nits removed there is still an active case.It can be a big challenge for the untrained eye to deal with this problem. Lice scoot from light and the nits are small and camouflage in the hair."
To eradicate a case of head lice often requires professional assistance to ensure that all the nits are properly removed. LiceDoctors offers families in-home lice treatment service that is fully guaranteed. The company has a medical doctor on-staff and has an "A" rating with the Better Business Bureau. LiceDoctors has successfully treated over 110,000 people.
For further information about LiceDoctors at-home head lice treatment and nit removal service in Virginia Beach, call 757-609-0509, in Richmond at 804-396-2193. in Fairfax County at 703-662-4519 and in Charlottesville at 434-202-3460. Don't let super lice win the battle.
Summer is lice season and there is a surge in the incidence of head lice in these areas. Wendy Beck, owner of LiceDoctors with 18 years experience in the lice field, reports that lice are mutating and becoming highly resistant to chemical treatments and have earned the name "super lice."
According to Beck, often parents think that they have successfully treated their child using chemical products, when, in fact, the bugs have become highly resistant to the chemicals. In addition, the nit has a very hard shell which prevents penetration of the chemical into the shell and protects the baby louse. "Parents often rely on chemical lice treatments to eradicate lice, and these treatment often do not work. All lice in the hair must be killed and and the nits removed there is still an active case.It can be a big challenge for the untrained eye to deal with this problem. Lice scoot from light and the nits are small and camouflage in the hair."
To eradicate a case of head lice often requires professional assistance to ensure that all the nits are properly removed. LiceDoctors offers families in-home lice treatment service that is fully guaranteed. The company has a medical doctor on-staff and has an "A" rating with the Better Business Bureau. LiceDoctors has successfully treated over 110,000 people.
For further information about LiceDoctors at-home head lice treatment and nit removal service in Virginia Beach, call 757-609-0509, in Richmond at 804-396-2193. in Fairfax County at 703-662-4519 and in Charlottesville at 434-202-3460. Don't let super lice win the battle.
Wendy Beck
Wendy Beck
