A Lay Person's Guide to the Hobby Lobby Decision
Woodbine, MD, July 02, 2014 --(PR.com)-- Today, Saltbox Consulting published A Lay Person's Guide to the Hobby Lobby Decision. The guide is designed to help non-lawyers understand the Hobby Lobby decision, which the Supreme Court released on June 30, 2014. It explains in plain English what the issues were, how the Court decided them and why, and why the dissent disagreed. This guide is not designed to persuade anyone whether the Court got it right, or whether the Court got it wrong.
Saltbox Consulting published the guide because much of the discussion in the media to date has focused on questions that were not, in fact, at issue in the case. As a legal matter, the case is not about a woman's right to choose, it is not about an individual's First Amendment right to the free exercise of religion, and it is not about the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act's contraception mandate.
You may read the guide at http://saltboxlaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/A-Lay-Persons-Guide-to-the-Hobby-Lobby-Decision.pdf.
Saltbox Consulting provides strategic regulatory advice to sponsors and manufacturers of products regulated by FDA or USDA, including agricultural commodities, food products, beverages, dietary supplements, cosmetics, OTC drug products, prescription pharmaceuticals and medical devices. For more information, visit www.saltboxlaw.com, or email us at info@saltboxlaw.com
Saltbox Consulting published the guide because much of the discussion in the media to date has focused on questions that were not, in fact, at issue in the case. As a legal matter, the case is not about a woman's right to choose, it is not about an individual's First Amendment right to the free exercise of religion, and it is not about the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act's contraception mandate.
You may read the guide at http://saltboxlaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/A-Lay-Persons-Guide-to-the-Hobby-Lobby-Decision.pdf.
Saltbox Consulting provides strategic regulatory advice to sponsors and manufacturers of products regulated by FDA or USDA, including agricultural commodities, food products, beverages, dietary supplements, cosmetics, OTC drug products, prescription pharmaceuticals and medical devices. For more information, visit www.saltboxlaw.com, or email us at info@saltboxlaw.com
Saltbox Consulting
Kimberly K. Egan
Email the author directly at egankk@me.com.
Kimberly K. Egan
Email the author directly at egankk@me.com.
