Major New Release of Free Property Listing Services

Gresham, OR, October 21, 2007 --( "We've implemented a number of new features to further extend our leadership in distribution of listings to domestic and global property markets", according to a spokesman for SyndaFeed LLC, an Oregon startup company.

SyndaFeed ( accepts listings for property in any geographic location, using any currency, and allowing input in English and up to five popular European languages. Listings are then automatically forwarded on custom RSS and other XML "feeds" to foreign and domestic property sites. SyndaFeed adjusts currencies and units of measure (like "square feet" vs. "square meters") on the fly to suit each particular destination.

"We're finally seeing expansion of destination listing services beyond the limits of what has been a largely English-centric online property market," said Bud Hovell. "Major search sites like Properazzi will serve far wider markets, previously marginalized. We long ago set out to serve multiple languages, currencies, and locations on the expectation that new trend would emerge. Now it's happening, and we intend to remain in the vanguard to allow customers to exploit that expansion."

This new release benefits from ongoing improvements in listing input and notification processes. "Just yesterday, a new member commented she is impressed with how fast the listing entry process is, especially by comparison to other services she uses. It's nice to hear that kind of feedback because it endorses our continuing emphasis to make the listing process as fast and simple as possible."

This new release announces the SyndaFlyer service, which provides a destination for listings which displays listing details, photos, and contact information which can be printed out or to interactively forward the listing to others.

"That's not our own original idea, by any means," said Hovell. "vFlyer and others deserve all the credit for bringing that basic method to the web. What we've done is adopt a market-proven format, added some useful 'bells and whistles', and redesigned the format to conform with best practices derived from recent eye-tracking studies. The differences may be startling to many web practitioners, but were no surprise to old hands in the advertising business. We're pretty comfortable with the sleek and spartan presentation of vital information which SyndaFlyer provides. We think Claude Hopkins would love it."

SyndaFeed LLC
Bud Hovell
+1 334 239 3139