Why Doctors Don’t Talk to Pregnant Women About Toxic Chemicals. Freshana Suggest a Simple Way to Start Avoiding the Toxins Pregnant Women Come in Contact with Every Day.
Pregnant women’s reduction to exposure of environmental toxins was recently deemed “critical” by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists to prevent birth defects and other fetal health problems. Freshana suggest an easy solution to help turn this tide.
Johns Creek, GA, July 19, 2014 --(PR.com)-- Freshana Organic Solutions, LLC / The conclusions reached in a 2011 study (Environmental Chemicals in Pregnant Women in the United States: NHANES Environ Health Prespect. June 2011; 119(6): 878-885) found that pregnant women are exposed and come into contact with at least 43 chemicals known to affect fetal development. These include but are not limited to pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs), and phthalates, each found in every day home and business cleaning supplies and interfering with hormones. An article by Deborah Kotz in the Boston Globe on June 30 highlighted this with the fact that most Obstetricians and Gynecologist do not talk to their patients about how the exposure to toxic chemicals in their normal day to day life can affect the development of their unborn babies and may cause other health problems later on in life.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist has deemed it “critical” to decrease a pregnant women’s exposure to environmental toxins in helping reduce the incidence of birth defects and other health problems for the developing fetus.
David Elmore, CEO of Freshana Organic Solutions commented on the article by saying, “This article brings to light one of the main goals of Freshana’s organic and natural cleaning products…to make the world a safer and cleaner place and in doing so, no longer do you have to give up quality for safe cleaning. Freshana does this by making products that work as well or better than poison products and in doing so can provide one of the key and necessary steps to reducing the exposure of pregnant women and their unborn babies to these harmful chemicals and toxins that they come into contact with every day.”
The Boston Globe article goes on to say that “a survey published last week of more than 2,500 physician members of that group found that fewer than one in five of them ask pregnant patients about any exposure they have had to unsafe levels of toxic chemicals.” Though “Eighty percent of these doctors agreed that they could have an impact on lowering exposure to dangerous substances, but only about 7 percent said they had any training on the topic, according to the study published in the journal PLOS One.”
Naomi Sotland, the study leader said, “Some things are no brainers and easy to do, like avoiding like avoiding spray air fresheners and not using antibacterial soaps, which are unnecessary and have triclosan.”
Elmore went on to say that if “Doctors simply recommended to their patients look into areas of their home that might have possibility of chemicals and toxins, like cleaning products, they could immediately reduce those types of exposures.” He continued with, “Other major manufacturers of odor eliminators and household cleaning products propagate the environment with harsh chemicals and a strong replacement scents that infuse the environment with toxins that can be harmful to the pregnant mother and developing baby. As Mrs. Stotland said, avoid toxic air fresheners and of course we feel that Freshana’s AIRIA Air Purifier and MAXAM Cleaning Solutions is the perfect answer to solving a part of this very serious prenatal problem.”
To learn more about naturally and safely cleaning one’s home and eliminate the cleaning chemicals and toxins in the home, Freshana invites everyone to visit the website at Freshana.com.
About Freshana Organic Solutions, LLC: 100% Organic AND 100% Effective. The Finest All-Natural Cleaning Products on the Planet. FOS was established in April 2011 by world-renowned chemist Dr. Robert Bayless. With his microencapsulation process, Dr. Bayless helped in the 10 years it took scientists to develop the organic concentrate, which speeds up nature's natural process 1,000-fold. So organic and safe that the product themselves can even be drunk safely.
Though the USDA and other government entities allow companies to call their products "organic" if they have only 95% organic content and 5% chemicals, Freshana does not accept that designation as being safe for consumers. Freshana is 100% all natural, all the time, in all circumstances giving you 100% peace of mind.
Our goal is to make the world a safer, cleaner place. We aim to change the way people look at “organic.” No longer do you have to give up quality for safe cleaning. In other words, our Air Purifier & Cleaning Products work as well or better than poison products — and they are totally organic and safe. Other major manufacturers of “odor eliminators” design products that don’t actually “eliminate”; they simply “mask” odors, propagating the environment with harsh chemicals and a strong “replacement” scent that is intended to only "disguise" the hydrocarbon odor. By only masking, these products infuse the environment with chemicals that can be harmful to people and pets or instigate a very strong allergic reaction.
Freshana products were designed specifically to correct this wrong, by using an ingenious and complex blend of natural ingredients and a state of the art microencapsulation process in a patented formula to eliminate the hydrocarbon odors and messes naturally and almost instantly.
For Questions or Inquiries, please contact:
Eric Orsburn, CMO
eric.orsburn (at) Freshana (dot) com
855-FRESH60 (373-7460)
6470 E. Johns Crossing, Suite 190
Johns Creek, GA 30097
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist has deemed it “critical” to decrease a pregnant women’s exposure to environmental toxins in helping reduce the incidence of birth defects and other health problems for the developing fetus.
David Elmore, CEO of Freshana Organic Solutions commented on the article by saying, “This article brings to light one of the main goals of Freshana’s organic and natural cleaning products…to make the world a safer and cleaner place and in doing so, no longer do you have to give up quality for safe cleaning. Freshana does this by making products that work as well or better than poison products and in doing so can provide one of the key and necessary steps to reducing the exposure of pregnant women and their unborn babies to these harmful chemicals and toxins that they come into contact with every day.”
The Boston Globe article goes on to say that “a survey published last week of more than 2,500 physician members of that group found that fewer than one in five of them ask pregnant patients about any exposure they have had to unsafe levels of toxic chemicals.” Though “Eighty percent of these doctors agreed that they could have an impact on lowering exposure to dangerous substances, but only about 7 percent said they had any training on the topic, according to the study published in the journal PLOS One.”
Naomi Sotland, the study leader said, “Some things are no brainers and easy to do, like avoiding like avoiding spray air fresheners and not using antibacterial soaps, which are unnecessary and have triclosan.”
Elmore went on to say that if “Doctors simply recommended to their patients look into areas of their home that might have possibility of chemicals and toxins, like cleaning products, they could immediately reduce those types of exposures.” He continued with, “Other major manufacturers of odor eliminators and household cleaning products propagate the environment with harsh chemicals and a strong replacement scents that infuse the environment with toxins that can be harmful to the pregnant mother and developing baby. As Mrs. Stotland said, avoid toxic air fresheners and of course we feel that Freshana’s AIRIA Air Purifier and MAXAM Cleaning Solutions is the perfect answer to solving a part of this very serious prenatal problem.”
To learn more about naturally and safely cleaning one’s home and eliminate the cleaning chemicals and toxins in the home, Freshana invites everyone to visit the website at Freshana.com.
About Freshana Organic Solutions, LLC: 100% Organic AND 100% Effective. The Finest All-Natural Cleaning Products on the Planet. FOS was established in April 2011 by world-renowned chemist Dr. Robert Bayless. With his microencapsulation process, Dr. Bayless helped in the 10 years it took scientists to develop the organic concentrate, which speeds up nature's natural process 1,000-fold. So organic and safe that the product themselves can even be drunk safely.
Though the USDA and other government entities allow companies to call their products "organic" if they have only 95% organic content and 5% chemicals, Freshana does not accept that designation as being safe for consumers. Freshana is 100% all natural, all the time, in all circumstances giving you 100% peace of mind.
Our goal is to make the world a safer, cleaner place. We aim to change the way people look at “organic.” No longer do you have to give up quality for safe cleaning. In other words, our Air Purifier & Cleaning Products work as well or better than poison products — and they are totally organic and safe. Other major manufacturers of “odor eliminators” design products that don’t actually “eliminate”; they simply “mask” odors, propagating the environment with harsh chemicals and a strong “replacement” scent that is intended to only "disguise" the hydrocarbon odor. By only masking, these products infuse the environment with chemicals that can be harmful to people and pets or instigate a very strong allergic reaction.
Freshana products were designed specifically to correct this wrong, by using an ingenious and complex blend of natural ingredients and a state of the art microencapsulation process in a patented formula to eliminate the hydrocarbon odors and messes naturally and almost instantly.
For Questions or Inquiries, please contact:
Eric Orsburn, CMO
eric.orsburn (at) Freshana (dot) com
855-FRESH60 (373-7460)
6470 E. Johns Crossing, Suite 190
Johns Creek, GA 30097
Freshana Organic Solutions
Eric Orsburn
Eric Orsburn
