American Woman Suffers Abuse at Hands of Saudi Husband in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Survives to Relate Escape from a Personal Life of Hell

Jacksonville, FL, October 25, 2007 --( Author Jade Carrington reveals her personal true story of sustaining seven years of abuse from her Saudi husband by sharing her story in a book written by her and published on, the online marketplace for digital content.

Ms. Carrington is a brave survivor of domestic violence, who desires to spare other women the painful fate she has endured in her life who find themselves in similar situations, which is revealed in her 155 page biography, “Charades in the Desert Sands”.

Ms. Carrington feels her book has been beneficial if her personal saga spares one woman from escaping an abusive relationship. She wants American women to realize there are resources to assist them to live a life free from abuse that Saudi women are not able to access in the country and they are fortunate to live in a country based on freedom and justice for all regardless of their sex as her book shockingly reveals to readers.

“Charades in the Desert Sands” tells of ancient Arab cultural practices still very much alive and ruling the lives of Saudi people in these modern times. The story brings to life how Saudi women’s lives are pre-determined and ruled by men from birth to death as they are forced to view the world through shades of gray behind the black veil of despair with the author’s intention to share their inhumane tale with the world.

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Jade Carrington is the pseudonym to protect the identity of the author of the story. Her book can be found at
Jade Carrington