Global Creativity Network Presents the Ultimate Curriculum Resource for College Students

"Since college students are emerging adults, eagerly exploring who they are and what they see as the purpose of their lives, 'Creativity: Revealing the Truth about Human Nature' – the ultimate resource for self-discovery – is for every one of them." -Efiong Etuk

Blacksburg, VA, July 23, 2014 --( Global Creativity Network presents the ultimate curriculum resource for college students – "Creativity: Revealing the Truth about Human Nature."

"Creativity: Revealing the Truth about Human Nature," a compendium and synthesis of timeless wit and wisdom, brings college students face-to-face with their innermost nature:

· What it really means to be human

· What one’s life is truly about

· What gives it meaning and enduring significance

Inspiring and deeply compelling, Creativity: Revealing the Truth about Human Nature comes at a time when self-discovery is increasingly recognized as the most fundamental purpose of higher education; and, correspondingly, when college and university are providing the single best opportunity for young people to explore who they are and what they want most in their own lives. Here, precisely, is the ultimate resource for tackling those enduring life questions that every college student inevitably confronts:

· Who am I as a person?

· Why am I here?

· What are my special abilities?

· What do I care about the most?

· What do I particularly want to contribute to the world?

Two recent and related developments further demonstrate the timeliness of "Creativity: Revealing the Truth about Human Nature." One development is the growing realization that students learn best when they are able to relate the knowledge they gain to their personal lives, goals, interests, values, and motivations. The other development is the gradually changing method of curriculum delivery: from the teaching and acquisition of knowledge for knowledge’s sake, to active and interactive learning of personally relevant curricular contents.

A lifetime treasure, "Creativity: Revealing the Truth about Human Nature" is three essential curriculum resources in one: a) insights into students’ inherently creative, but largely overlooked nature; b) personal sense of direction and, therefore a framework for course selection and career choice that are right for the student; and c) the unique brilliance and potential contributions that every student embodies.

The E-Book version of "Creativity: Revealing the Truth about Human Nature" (, ISBN 9781622875160, published by First Edition Design Publishing, is available on-line wherever e-books are sold.

The 428-page print version of "Creativity: Revealing the Truth about Human Nature" (, ISBN 9781622875153, is published by First Edition Design Publishing and distributed worldwide to online booksellers.
Global Creativity Network
Efiong Etuk
540 953 0685
403-2 Cedar Hill Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24060