Atlanta EMS Conference Seeking All Stakeholders
The Metro Atlanta EMS Conference (MAEMSC) is seeking all stakeholders in the Metro Atlanta EMS profession.
Marietta, GA, July 23, 2014 --( The MAEMSC has been created to provide cutting edge emergency medical training to the response community at little or no cost to attendees. The goal is to improve patient outcomes and survival through promoting best practices by providing the highest quality training in the region from nationally known physicians, speakers and local EMS professionals.
To ensure that all stakeholder needs and voices are heard, the conference committee is asking that all Atlanta EMS stakeholders please get involved and voice your opinion. “We are seeking input from every hospital, ambulance service, air ambulance service and all metro Atlanta fire departments. Our ultimate mission is one team, one goal and to obtain that we need the involvement of all the stakeholders,” stated Chris Smith the 2015 conference chair.
The MAEMSC is a non-profit 100% volunteer organization. No individuals or companies profit directly from the conference. Cost of registration, meals and lodging covers the cost of venue, speaker travel and per-diem, insurance and administrative costs that are not covered through financial support from our conference partners.
The conference works to improve patient care and outcomes by bringing together emergency medical service providers from first patient contact by fire department or ambulance providers through patient transport and definitive care from hospital emergency care and trauma treatment centers. Their goal is one team working seamlessly together from contact to ER care.
The conference is seeking corporate partners, physicians, nurses, educators and responders who share their vision to join them in making this goal a reality.
If you are a stakeholder in the Metro Atlanta EMS community and would like to connect with the conference committee use the contact form on the website at
“The conference has no political or promulgating goals, we are not trying to change EMS response in Atlanta, we are simply trying to provide incredible EMS training at no cost to EMS professionals to improve patient outcomes,” stated Chris.
To ensure that all stakeholder needs and voices are heard, the conference committee is asking that all Atlanta EMS stakeholders please get involved and voice your opinion. “We are seeking input from every hospital, ambulance service, air ambulance service and all metro Atlanta fire departments. Our ultimate mission is one team, one goal and to obtain that we need the involvement of all the stakeholders,” stated Chris Smith the 2015 conference chair.
The MAEMSC is a non-profit 100% volunteer organization. No individuals or companies profit directly from the conference. Cost of registration, meals and lodging covers the cost of venue, speaker travel and per-diem, insurance and administrative costs that are not covered through financial support from our conference partners.
The conference works to improve patient care and outcomes by bringing together emergency medical service providers from first patient contact by fire department or ambulance providers through patient transport and definitive care from hospital emergency care and trauma treatment centers. Their goal is one team working seamlessly together from contact to ER care.
The conference is seeking corporate partners, physicians, nurses, educators and responders who share their vision to join them in making this goal a reality.
If you are a stakeholder in the Metro Atlanta EMS community and would like to connect with the conference committee use the contact form on the website at
“The conference has no political or promulgating goals, we are not trying to change EMS response in Atlanta, we are simply trying to provide incredible EMS training at no cost to EMS professionals to improve patient outcomes,” stated Chris.
Chris Smith
Chris Smith
