Black Swan Publishing Presents Their New Author; Until...

Introducing her highly anticipated very first poetry edition; "I Just Want to Write!"

Los Angeles, CA, August 17, 2014 --( Quanda R. Graves better known by her pseudonym Until, resurfaced after an eight (8) year hiatus back in 2008. As she declared her road back to literary missions and reclaiming her soft spot for her first love, poetry. She then introduced to the world the launching of her very new website at that time. Her website reeked of who she was with the moniker of "Poetry is me. Therefore I am poetry." As she shared heartfelt poems that oozed of emotions, sealing her love for the Pen, Paper and Pencil.

From 2008 she has been making strides, fulfilling goals and manifesting to others her plan of what she hopes to accomplish on her journey in regard to the written word. As well as tease you with hints of whats more to come, from her, of course. Starting with creating her own company called, QS: Writers Group, which caters to creative writing projects.

Until is also a literary columnist and journalist for the California Crusaders Newspaper and contributing writer to the online Brutha Magazine. Furthermore Until is the youth director for "The Los Angeles Black Book Expo." As well as a radio personality for the radio show called Until and Harmony Live (currently on hiatus).

Until, has just recently self-published her very first poetry edition, (ten years in the making) entitled "I Just Want to Write!" Which has been a long awaited dream of hers. "I just want to write," in her words,

"is a collection of poems and essays created to imprint the journey of my love affair with the three P's; pen, paper, and pencil. Which illustrates my dreams, ambitions and desires; with hopes of inspiring, encouraging and uplifting all who will read it. It is my soul inscribed for all to bear."

To find out more or to purchase your copy of "I Just Want to Write!" by Until, please visit her website at Until No More Dot Net. Keep an eye on Until, as she has a poetry series on Youtube coming very soon.

Remember, poetry is Until, and Until is poetry.
Black Swan Publishing
Alethea Reece
323 898 8239