Kiwanis Club of Toronto Supports the Merit Award Bursary Program

The Kiwanis Club of Toronto partners with the Merit Award Bursary Program, a non-profit organization that helps keep Toronto high school students in school.

Toronto, Canada, October 25, 2007 --( The Merit Award Bursary Program has been chosen by the Kiwanas Club of Toronto to receive financial support for its commitment to help keep Toronto high school students in school.

“The Kiwanis Club of Toronto Foundation has a tradition of supporting life opportunities for Toronto’s young people,” said Andrea Demchuk, Chair of the Scholarship Committee, “and this program is instrumental in helping Toronto high school students continue their studies.”

The Merit Award has assisted over 800 Toronto high school students stay in school since 1996. Started by a group of residents who wanted to promote higher education in their own community, it has grown to include 27 participating high schools throughout the city of Toronto.

"Your Bursary has reduced the cost of post-secondary education for me and I thank you for this.” said one student, “Furthermore, you have encouraged me to pursue a greater level of education. Your assistance in my time of need, has taught me what I must do for others in their time of need."

A high level of commitment to school work, extra-curricular and community activities, and any personal challenges are considered in determining which students receive the Award. Students in both Grade 11 and 12 are eligible to apply.

Students benefit from both the recognition and financial assistance the program provides. Currently the award provides an award certificate and a $500 bursary. Confirmation of the intention to return to school as a full-time student (in Grade 12 or post-secondary) the following year is mandatory.

About the Merit Award Bursary Program
The Merit Award Bursary Program helps keep Toronto high school students in school. It gives students recognition not only for their commitment to academic achievement, but also for their contribution to the community. They receive a bursary when they return to school the next year.

All Grade 11 and 12 students with passing grades are eligible to apply. The award is not based on marks, but rather on dedication. A selection committee chooses award recipients after receiving teacher references and recommendations from the principal of each participating school.

Students who would like to apply for a Merit Award, or to see whether their school is included in the program can visit

Media Contact
Anna Jagas
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Direct: (416) 601-6599

Tim Robertson
Direct: (416) 539-1239

Merit Award Bursary Program
Tim Robertson