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Reissource, LLC

James Quigley, CEO of Deloitte & Touche, Talks on The CEO Show with Robert Reiss About Commitments to Customer Service

James H. Quigley, CEO of Deloitte & Touche Tohmatsu, talks on The CEO Show with Robert Reiss about commitments to customer service and how the single point of service concept is a primary contributor to customer satisfaction. Quigley goes on to talk about the importance of “standards of excellence” and the evolution of customer expectations. They also discuss finding the "right balance" in life and in corporate governance.

Ridgefield, CT, October 26, 2007 --( James H. Quigley, CEO of Deloitte & Touche Tohmatsu, talks on The CEO Show with Robert Reiss about commitments to customer service and how the single point of service concept is a primary contributor to customer satisfaction. Quigley goes on to talk about the importance of “standards of excellence” and the evolution of customer expectations.

Reiss explores with Quigley how work commitments integrate with life outside the business and rely on the support of co-workers to meet multiple personal needs. Quigley explains why he has replaced the concept of “work-life balance” with the concept, the “integrated life.” They proceed to discuss the values shared by Deloitte & Touche people that contribute to delivering value to their clients. One element of that value set is addressing client needs for trust and confidence, now codified to some extent by the Sarbanes-Oxley legislation.

The interview concludes with a discussion of the progress made in America to correct some of the shortcomings that surfaced during the 1990’s pertaining to corporate governance and oversight. Quigley and Reiss talk about finding the right “balance of power” among the many stakeholders in corporations, a task that remains a work in progress.

The CEO Show with Robert Reiss schedule of audio broadcasts and recent guest interviews can be reached at:


Contact: Robert Reiss 203 894 9400,


The CEO Show with Robert Reiss consists of interviews with outstanding business executives addressing the issue; exceptional customer service. Hosted by Robert Reiss, the show is heard in 35 cities, including: Atlanta, Boston, Columbus, Greenwich, Long Island, Houston, Las Vegas, San Diego, Spokane and West Palm Beach, and is syndicated by the Business Talk Radio Network and by the Lifestyle Talk Radio Network.

Recent show guests have included: Dick Cattani, President of Restaurant Associates; David and Lee Ann Lester, Founders of Sea Fair, Tory Kiam, President of lia sophia, and Harley Lippman, CEO of Genesis 10 Consultants.

Robert Reiss has interviewed many hundreds of executives and his work has been featured in many publications including The Harvard Business Review. He is President of Reissource, a firm that facilitates strategy-through-service planning as well as the design and delivery of strategic corporate retreats, and he is the co-author of the recent book , "Golf and the Art of Customer Service". Reiss is a keynote speaker at business and association conferences and seminars, focusing on the impact customer service has on growth and profitability of corporations.
Reissource, LLC
Robert Reiss
Cell phone: 203-894-9400