Living with the North American Electric Reliability Corporation’s (NERC) New Rules – a Live Audio Event, December 3, 2007, 12:00 – 1:30 PM EST
Washington, DC, October 26, 2007 --( What is the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) planning for the generation industry? Find out from NERC CEO Rick Sergel, the man who took what was left of the post-blackout industry and convinced Congress to let NERC set the rules for the industry to live by. But how are the new rules developing?
Join Restructuring Today, your colleagues and this panel of industry experts for a live interactive audio conference on December 3, 2007 from noon to 1:30 pm EST to find out:
* Richard Sergel, president and CEO of the North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC), has been unusually effective in moving forward his vision of what America's grid should be and he's succeeded in working with the many NERC stakeholders to put together a grid worthy of trust and respect. Before his current position, he served as president and CEO of National Grid USA, executive director for North America at National Grid Group upon the completion of the National Grid and New England Electric System (NEES) merger and president and CEO of NEES where he held positions of increasing responsibility since 1979. Sergel is presently a director of State Street Corporation. He's also served on the boards of the Edison Electric Institute and the Consortium for Energy Efficiency.
* William Hederman is the executive director of Morgan Lewis Energy Resources Group. He has helped clients develop and implement FERC compliance programs including training for executives, traders and others. He also advises clients on energy markets, policy and corporate governance and strategy matters. Hederman was the founding director of FERC's office of market oversight and investigations prior to joining Morgan Lewis where he developed an energy market intelligence and law enforcement capability to help the nation recover from the California energy market chaos and to prevent further Enron-like abuses.
* William (Billy) Ball is senior vice president of transmission planning and operations at Southern Company Transmission. Ball is responsible for the planning and operations of the Southern electric systems' network transmission grid, transmission policy and industry interfaces. Prior to joining Southern Company Transmission, Ball was vice president of technical support at Mirant (formerly Southern Energy), director of technical support at Southern Energy and manager of system planning with both generation and transmission planning responsibilities at Mississippi Power Company. Ball is vice chairman of the board of the Southeastern Electric Reliability Council (SERC) and chairman of NERC's Members Representative Committee.
* Tim Gallagher was named president of ReliabilityFirst Corporation in late December 2005. Prior to his current position, Gallagher was a senior executive at GridAmerica LLC, the nation's first multi-system independent transmission company. Gallagher's background is centered squarely in reliability having spent time on the NERC staff where he was responsible for NERC's compliance,standards and reliability assessment programs during his tenure and from is employment at Centerior/FirstEnergy when he worked in a variety of engineering positions in both electric system planning and operations. He is a NERC-certified system operator.
Here's your chance to hear answers to these questions and others like them:
* What's in the bulk power system?
* How is NERC going about carrying out its assignment from Congress?
* How is the Canadian system developing?
* What does NERC expect from power companies?
* The law provides for a million dollars a day in penalties. Where should we start?
For details and ways to register, please visit:
Restructuring Today's mission is to deliver exclusive news chronicling ongoing efforts to open competitive wholesale and retail energy markets with in-depth analysis on why some fail and others succeed.
4418 MacArthur Blvd, NW, Suite 202
Washington, DC 20007-2500 USA
800-486-8201 (+1-202-298-8201)
Join Restructuring Today, your colleagues and this panel of industry experts for a live interactive audio conference on December 3, 2007 from noon to 1:30 pm EST to find out:
* Richard Sergel, president and CEO of the North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC), has been unusually effective in moving forward his vision of what America's grid should be and he's succeeded in working with the many NERC stakeholders to put together a grid worthy of trust and respect. Before his current position, he served as president and CEO of National Grid USA, executive director for North America at National Grid Group upon the completion of the National Grid and New England Electric System (NEES) merger and president and CEO of NEES where he held positions of increasing responsibility since 1979. Sergel is presently a director of State Street Corporation. He's also served on the boards of the Edison Electric Institute and the Consortium for Energy Efficiency.
* William Hederman is the executive director of Morgan Lewis Energy Resources Group. He has helped clients develop and implement FERC compliance programs including training for executives, traders and others. He also advises clients on energy markets, policy and corporate governance and strategy matters. Hederman was the founding director of FERC's office of market oversight and investigations prior to joining Morgan Lewis where he developed an energy market intelligence and law enforcement capability to help the nation recover from the California energy market chaos and to prevent further Enron-like abuses.
* William (Billy) Ball is senior vice president of transmission planning and operations at Southern Company Transmission. Ball is responsible for the planning and operations of the Southern electric systems' network transmission grid, transmission policy and industry interfaces. Prior to joining Southern Company Transmission, Ball was vice president of technical support at Mirant (formerly Southern Energy), director of technical support at Southern Energy and manager of system planning with both generation and transmission planning responsibilities at Mississippi Power Company. Ball is vice chairman of the board of the Southeastern Electric Reliability Council (SERC) and chairman of NERC's Members Representative Committee.
* Tim Gallagher was named president of ReliabilityFirst Corporation in late December 2005. Prior to his current position, Gallagher was a senior executive at GridAmerica LLC, the nation's first multi-system independent transmission company. Gallagher's background is centered squarely in reliability having spent time on the NERC staff where he was responsible for NERC's compliance,standards and reliability assessment programs during his tenure and from is employment at Centerior/FirstEnergy when he worked in a variety of engineering positions in both electric system planning and operations. He is a NERC-certified system operator.
Here's your chance to hear answers to these questions and others like them:
* What's in the bulk power system?
* How is NERC going about carrying out its assignment from Congress?
* How is the Canadian system developing?
* What does NERC expect from power companies?
* The law provides for a million dollars a day in penalties. Where should we start?
For details and ways to register, please visit:
Restructuring Today's mission is to deliver exclusive news chronicling ongoing efforts to open competitive wholesale and retail energy markets with in-depth analysis on why some fail and others succeed.
4418 MacArthur Blvd, NW, Suite 202
Washington, DC 20007-2500 USA
800-486-8201 (+1-202-298-8201)
Season Crawford
Season Crawford
