Campaign Blog Launched

Websurfer turns to fellow 'Netizens in bid for a new laptop

Winfield, WV, October 28, 2007 --( When entrepreneur and freelancer writer Dave Ware's laptop died on him, he decided to turn to his fellow web surfers for the cash to purchase a new one. His part in the campaign? - a personal blog that chronicles Dave's attempt to raise the needed cash for a new laptop.

"At this point in my life, laying out the cash for a new laptop would be considered a little frivolous." Ware said. "Unfortunately, it has become a necessary evil in my line of work, and to go without much longer would make a lot of other items 'frivolous'."

For the past five years, the writer has trusted his laptop to churn out freelance articles, websites and even graphic design projects for clients across the country. Since he can no longer rely on his laptop to find and compete for these jobs, Dave has been restricted to using family and library computers whenever he gets the chance.

"Losing that laptop has not only created a financial pinch for me, it was somewhat of an emotional loss as well." Ware said about his older Compaq Presario laptop. "I miss it quite a bit. I guess it's just time to move on."

The laptop failure couldn't have come at a worse time, either. It happened shortly after a move across country, an event which had already strained Ware's finances. The loss of the laptop has added to the strain. Ware said he hopes to make the purchase of a new laptop possible with donations and other assistance through the website.

According to Ware, "I don't want something for nothing. I am offering readers of quite a few different opportunities and other freebies in return for their donations to my cause, including the chance to see quite a bit further into my personal life than most would see."

In addition to sharing the quest with his readers, Ware has offered text and graphic links, along with mentions in the blog, to anyone who makes a donation.

"It's kind of a sponsorship deal." He said. "Make a $1 donation, and I will mention it and provide a text link to your website or blog in a post. Make a $5 donation, and I will give you that plus a permanent text link under the blogroll section of the site." Other levels of sponsorship are also available, Ware said.

Through the sponsorships, and clicks of various advertisements on the site, Ware hopes to raise as much as $1,500 to go towards the purchase of the new laptop. Readers and supporters of the effort will get to vote on the make and model of the new laptop when this goal has been reached.

"After I purchase the new laptop, I am going to give any additional funds left over from the campaign to a charity, which I am also asking my readers to choose." Ware said. "I don't want to use the site to make some outrageous amount of cash. I just want to be able to buy a new laptop that will last me a while."

Those needing more information about the effort can go to the site at

David Ware