International Bestselling Author, Sherrie Lueder an Co-Author Dawn Taarud Release "My Guarded Secrets," a True Story

Greg Link, a former Charles City, Iowa resident shares memories of neglect, alcoholic parents, a father that sent him to prison...all are told in "My Guarded Secrets," A True Story.

Auburn, WA, September 10, 2014 --( Greg Link grows up on a farm in Charles City, Iowa. The son of alcoholic parents, neglected and left to fend for himself, Greg is drinking and driving at the age of thirteen. Never getting an allowance, he finds an easy way to access cash...once he masters his father's signature.

Kindhearted Greg, feeling an inner desire to help people, dreams of becoming a police officer. At the age of eighteen, he is ready to pursue that dream, but his father does the unthinkable...putting Greg's life on hold and causing his dreams to shatter.

Alienated from his family and feeling deep resentment, Greg spends the next few years in an alcoholic haze. Traveling from state to state and job to job, he struggles with a past he cannot forget. After fighting his own demons for years Greg is finally able to emerge a winner, he meets his guardian angel and begins to gain control of his destiny. He shares incredible stories of working for well-known celebrities to a debunked, self-proclaimed faith healer.

“My Guarded Secrets” A True Story, is a true page turner and is available on Amazon as well as other e-Book outlets


Chapter 1

I had to be in bed by eight o’clock, tomorrow was a school day. I dreaded it, not school—but the nighttime. The sick feeling was always there, kind of like having a bad cold, but it was in the pit of my stomach instead, and it got worse at night.

I put on my pajamas and got into bed. I double-checked the alarm to make sure it was set for 5:30 AM. Brutus, my little Pekingese Pomeranian mix, who was also my best friend, jumped onto the bed and snuggled close beside me. I laid there in the dark—waiting—I knew what was coming.

It wasn’t long until I heard a commotion coming from the living room, doors slamming and things dropping to the floor. My body involuntarily flinched as the high-pitched sound of my mother’s voice broke the silence. Each word was slow and deliberate as if she was trying to stab my father with each word.

“Where-in-the-hell-did-you-put-my-vodka-again…you son of a bitch!”

Then I heard my father’s deep voice as he yelled back.

“Go screw yourself, I didn't touch it! Why don’t you just drag yourself over to the liquor cabinet and get another bottle!”

I flew out of bed and ran for the closet. Brutus knew the routine; he was already ahead of me. I pulled the door shut and sat on a little shelf. Brutus jumped onto my lap. Sensing my fear, he whimpered and started licking my face. I kept a blanket in the closet and pulled it around us.
Sherrie Lueder Author and Dawn Taarud Co-Author
Dawn Taarud