New Business Ideas - Internal Business Productivity

If you are a business owner, manager or entrepreneur you know how important it is for your business to have a well balanced portfolio of financial assets, both for investment and more importantly for your internal business productivity.

Sydney, Australia, October 30, 2007 --( Recently, many business people are becoming more aware of the importance of their internal productivity. The marketing hype is still around but business is no longer just about spending dollars outside of the company. There has been a shift of focus to what is actually happening inside the business. The Internal Business Productivity.

Metasphinx Corporation, a business development and consulting company located in Sydney Australia, have come up with 5 key indicators for evaluating a company's Internal Business Productivity:

1) Environmental Motion - how well is your business office structured? This refers to the design and layout of your desks, workstations and overall floor plan. Environmental Motion is important because it focuses on the way your human resources interact with each other and also the effect this has on their morale and overall productivity.

2) Job Specifications - the basic job description is no longer enough for an employee. You must constantly re-model their job to match changing situations. Try to be as formal as possible. For example, you will be surprised how many people need a written letter telling them that the way they should approach their tasks has changed due to changing market conditions. Don’t rely on their intuition, most people do not systematically change until the decision itself has been systemized; i.e. made it formal.

3) System Productivity - Are the factors below efficient in your business? Could they be more efficient?

i) Hardware System - computers servers etc.
ii) Software System - financial, CRM, website etc.
Iii) Wireless System - telephony, Pabx, VoiP, virtual enterprise

You should check to see if these are technologically viable by today's standards. These can have dramatical impact on your internal productivity, unfortunately too many business people are affect by cost generalisations.

Metasphinx has a Business Solution where your company can upgrade its productive assets for $0 Net Cost to the business:

Visit the website now for more details:

4) Training and Education - are you providing enough training or education to your human resource? If you do not, business can become one big failure and strategically inevitable. Be innovative in this arena. i.e. not all education needs to be product /technically related. What about personal development or relaxation training?

5) Ideology - how is your business structured in terms of management and hierarchy? If you are a small business and have a strict hierarchy it may be time to reconsider, especially in today's business world. These old ideologies need to be evaluated and often re-modeled.

The world is changing and business must change with it, not tomorrow but today. A better understanding of your internal productivity and also your need for change will definitely put you on top of your competitors.

Metasphinx provides advice and business solutions ranging from financial solutions to marketing advisory.

Visit this website for more details:

Sasha Johnson
1300 854 072