Roaring Women Founder: Not All of You Are Going to Make It in Business
Women entrepreneurs need education and support.
Toronto, Canada, October 31, 2007 --( Lately we are hearing some great statistics about women entrepreneurs. They are leaving the workforce at twice the rate of men to start their own business - and according to the Royal Bank of Canada they are starting businesses at almost 7 times the rate of men. However encouraging these statistics appear, one women entrepreneur is convinced that not even 10% are going to make their business succeed long term.
"I'm disturbed that almost as many women who are starting businesses, are closing them down," says Mandie Crawford, Founder of Roaring Women Ltd., a national women in business organization. "As a former business newspaper columnist, I interviewed over 400 women entrepreneurs. Three years later, only a handful of the women I interviewed are still in business."
Why? Crawford believes there are several reasons :
-Women entrepreneurs don't understand how to market effectively and are often unwilling to invest the time to learn;
-They fail to delegate: to hire experts and instead try to do everything themselves;
-They 'cheap' themselves out of business - not charging enough for their services and effectively restricting cash flow for growth;
-They don't invest in the important things, such as education, and refuse to spend money to build their businesses properly.
"Don't even get me started on home-printed business cards," adds Crawford. "I see so many women say they cannot afford to do something, when realistically they cannot afford not to. Women hear rags to riches stories and think they can do it too without investing in themselves and their companies. Inspiration is one thing, but they must invest in knowledge. They must learn also to ask for help, perhaps hiring someone to delegate to."
Crawford is passionate about helping women in business and feels that they are missing key pieces of information that could change their odds of success. In a bold move she has decided to travel to as many Canadian locations as possible to meet and speak with women in business. Her business, Roaring Women Ltd. has purchased an RV and has named it the "Roaring Women Coaching Coach". She will be starting in Saskatoon at the National Women in Business Expo on October 20, 2007 to help women steer their entrepreneurial ships.
"We tease men about asking for directions," says Crawford. "But women are still stuck in "super-woman" mode. In business, women are even more afraid than men to ask for help. I'm calling for women to step up to the plate. If they are serious about growing their businesses - then stop monkeying around. Take a serious look at your business and ask for help where and when you need it."
There are some basic things that women need to succeed and Crawford hopes her journey in the Roaring Women Coaching Coach will bring this to light and long-term statistics for women in business will improve.
"Women have an incredible social and economic impact on their families and communities. When they are doing something they love - they are happier people. I want them to keep doing what they love and not have to quit because they cannot make it work. All they need sometimes is just a little bit of support and encouragement."
More about Roaring Women:
Roaring Women is dedicated to showcasing and supporting business women who have great success stories to tell. Mandie Crawford is a two time nominee for Athena – an international women’s leadership award and has also been nominated by WEN as “Most Powerful Women in Canada – Top 100” for 2006. McMaster University calls her "Canada's Guru of Women Entrepreneurs". She was the first Canadian Pearl at the fourth annual Project Legacy held in October 2006 in New York City. A former police officer, author and speaker, Mandie Crawford lectures on drawing the right people, opportunities, and money into your business and creating your own successful world. Visit
"I'm disturbed that almost as many women who are starting businesses, are closing them down," says Mandie Crawford, Founder of Roaring Women Ltd., a national women in business organization. "As a former business newspaper columnist, I interviewed over 400 women entrepreneurs. Three years later, only a handful of the women I interviewed are still in business."
Why? Crawford believes there are several reasons :
-Women entrepreneurs don't understand how to market effectively and are often unwilling to invest the time to learn;
-They fail to delegate: to hire experts and instead try to do everything themselves;
-They 'cheap' themselves out of business - not charging enough for their services and effectively restricting cash flow for growth;
-They don't invest in the important things, such as education, and refuse to spend money to build their businesses properly.
"Don't even get me started on home-printed business cards," adds Crawford. "I see so many women say they cannot afford to do something, when realistically they cannot afford not to. Women hear rags to riches stories and think they can do it too without investing in themselves and their companies. Inspiration is one thing, but they must invest in knowledge. They must learn also to ask for help, perhaps hiring someone to delegate to."
Crawford is passionate about helping women in business and feels that they are missing key pieces of information that could change their odds of success. In a bold move she has decided to travel to as many Canadian locations as possible to meet and speak with women in business. Her business, Roaring Women Ltd. has purchased an RV and has named it the "Roaring Women Coaching Coach". She will be starting in Saskatoon at the National Women in Business Expo on October 20, 2007 to help women steer their entrepreneurial ships.
"We tease men about asking for directions," says Crawford. "But women are still stuck in "super-woman" mode. In business, women are even more afraid than men to ask for help. I'm calling for women to step up to the plate. If they are serious about growing their businesses - then stop monkeying around. Take a serious look at your business and ask for help where and when you need it."
There are some basic things that women need to succeed and Crawford hopes her journey in the Roaring Women Coaching Coach will bring this to light and long-term statistics for women in business will improve.
"Women have an incredible social and economic impact on their families and communities. When they are doing something they love - they are happier people. I want them to keep doing what they love and not have to quit because they cannot make it work. All they need sometimes is just a little bit of support and encouragement."
More about Roaring Women:
Roaring Women is dedicated to showcasing and supporting business women who have great success stories to tell. Mandie Crawford is a two time nominee for Athena – an international women’s leadership award and has also been nominated by WEN as “Most Powerful Women in Canada – Top 100” for 2006. McMaster University calls her "Canada's Guru of Women Entrepreneurs". She was the first Canadian Pearl at the fourth annual Project Legacy held in October 2006 in New York City. A former police officer, author and speaker, Mandie Crawford lectures on drawing the right people, opportunities, and money into your business and creating your own successful world. Visit
Roaring Women Ltd.
Susan Valeri
Susan Valeri
