The Master Communicator’s Writing Services is Going for The Gold!
The Mission Main StreetSM Grants program is designed to benefit small businesses. Together with Premier Sponsor, Google, Chase is committed to helping small businesses and local communities grow.
Houston, TX, September 27, 2014 --( Sharon C. Jenkins, Inspirational Principal of The Master Communicator’s Writing Services is going for the Mission Main Street Grant gold. Jenkins has entered the competition in the true spirit of entrepreneurship. This Vietnam Era veteran is embracing the gauntlet to build a successful writing business as an enterprising senior proving that it’s never too late to pursue your dreams. Jenkins has always had a passion for helping others, which is evidenced in her life as an educator, author, nonprofit executive, and now a business woman. While other’s her age are preparing to embark on retirement, she is revving her engine for another lap around the “building a career” mountain. In order to put fuel in the tank of her entrepreneurial vehicle, she is applying for the coveted Mission Main St. Grant, which presents businesspersons the opportunity to get a $150,000 grant from Chase.
Jenkins states, “This grant would allow our business to expand its services to include translation and transcription services, build a writing incubator for senior high and college students, and pursue government and corporate contracts. We need your help! Visit Mission Main StreetSM Grants at to cast a vote for our business. We need 250 votes to be eligible.” The Mission Main StreetSM Grants program is designed to benefit small businesses. Together with Premier Sponsor, Google, Chase is committed to helping small businesses and local communities grow.
Jenkins has a worldview when it comes to writing. Her goal is to enable her clients through translation to have the opportunity to showcase their written messages on an international stage. Martha Roxana Heredia, President of LISTO Translating Services & More states, “In order to expand globally, small business and big corporations must use translation services for their writing needs. Hiring expert native speaking translators will ensure that your business will be open to accommodate the burgeoning multi-cultural world that we live in.”
As an educator, Jenkins observed the decline of encouraging talented students to pursue a writing career in the public school sector, and started doing workshops that coupled senior high school students with published authors to reignite that passion in young people. Her vision to build a virtual writing business incubator is a by-product of that experience. Dr. Devan S. Ford of Transition Academic Programs at Texas A&M echoes her sentiments, she states “A writing incubator assists students in a university by helping them to clearly identify their goals and potential, as well as the action, steps needed in order to achieve their goals. Furthermore, students learn the structure and processes needed to become intentional writers who impact others through their message. Writing incubators provide for an overall educational experience by creating an atmosphere conducive to learning through intentional, constructive feedback. Students gain real world experience in writing, editing, and development prior to graduation.”
Jenkins has spent years helping other organizations meet their goals and objectives, and is soliciting the support of Houstonians in getting the 250 votes needed to go to the next level in the grant process. In order to vote for The Master Communicator’s Writing Services go to Her business mentor Marylyn Harris, Founder and Executive Director of Women Veterans Business Center provides you with a very good reason for you to vote for The Master Communicator’s Writing Services, “Veteran businesses number over 3 million today in America. Support those who served!”
For more information about The Master Communicator’s Writing Services go to or call 281-730-2776. Contact Sharon C. Jenkins at
Jenkins states, “This grant would allow our business to expand its services to include translation and transcription services, build a writing incubator for senior high and college students, and pursue government and corporate contracts. We need your help! Visit Mission Main StreetSM Grants at to cast a vote for our business. We need 250 votes to be eligible.” The Mission Main StreetSM Grants program is designed to benefit small businesses. Together with Premier Sponsor, Google, Chase is committed to helping small businesses and local communities grow.
Jenkins has a worldview when it comes to writing. Her goal is to enable her clients through translation to have the opportunity to showcase their written messages on an international stage. Martha Roxana Heredia, President of LISTO Translating Services & More states, “In order to expand globally, small business and big corporations must use translation services for their writing needs. Hiring expert native speaking translators will ensure that your business will be open to accommodate the burgeoning multi-cultural world that we live in.”
As an educator, Jenkins observed the decline of encouraging talented students to pursue a writing career in the public school sector, and started doing workshops that coupled senior high school students with published authors to reignite that passion in young people. Her vision to build a virtual writing business incubator is a by-product of that experience. Dr. Devan S. Ford of Transition Academic Programs at Texas A&M echoes her sentiments, she states “A writing incubator assists students in a university by helping them to clearly identify their goals and potential, as well as the action, steps needed in order to achieve their goals. Furthermore, students learn the structure and processes needed to become intentional writers who impact others through their message. Writing incubators provide for an overall educational experience by creating an atmosphere conducive to learning through intentional, constructive feedback. Students gain real world experience in writing, editing, and development prior to graduation.”
Jenkins has spent years helping other organizations meet their goals and objectives, and is soliciting the support of Houstonians in getting the 250 votes needed to go to the next level in the grant process. In order to vote for The Master Communicator’s Writing Services go to Her business mentor Marylyn Harris, Founder and Executive Director of Women Veterans Business Center provides you with a very good reason for you to vote for The Master Communicator’s Writing Services, “Veteran businesses number over 3 million today in America. Support those who served!”
For more information about The Master Communicator’s Writing Services go to or call 281-730-2776. Contact Sharon C. Jenkins at
The Master Communicator's Writing Services
Warren Jenkins
Warren Jenkins
