Author Je Gurley Releases His Second Novel. Eco-Friendly Printing: Author Utilizes the Internet to Reach Readers and Help Save the Environment

Author JE Gurley, working with, offers his second novel, Father Blood: Demon Spawn, both as a PDF electronic download and a Print on Demand 6x9 paperback. This allows the reader the choice of reading the traditional way or from the convenience of his/her PC or laptop. Both venues greatly reduce the number of trees needed for printing.

Tucson, AZ, November 05, 2007 --( Author James E. Gurley, writing under the name JE Gurley, has released his second novel, Father Blood: Demon Spawn, in a new format. Working with, he has made his latest novel available as either a PDF electronic download version or printed version. Since each book is printed on demand, fewer trees are necessary for printing, helping reduce global deforestation.

Mr. Gurley, also the author of Godseed, says that although science fiction will always be dear to him, the idea for this horror novel came to him one night in a dream. He put it away on the backburner for several years while working on other novels and short stories, but the idea kept simmering in the back of his mind and exploded fully written.

Mr. Gurley says, “Horror is a genre that is rapidly finding its way into other literary areas – gothic romance, westerns and science fiction. People love to be frightened.”

Using shorter chapters to keep this fast paced novel moving forward, Mr. Gurley puts forward many ethical questions – Can the hero, a dying old priest given the gift of life by the Demon Spawn, give up that gift to fulfill his vows? Can a thing of evil be used for good? Can evil flourish unless man allows it?

Mr. Gurley says, “Publishing a novel is usually a time consuming process. One of my novels has been in the process for over a year now. Using and my own publishing company, Idle Hands Publishing, the entire process took only one week. It’s a godsend for many writers, especially writers of non-fiction.”

Father Blood: Demon Spawn can be purchased through at or through Mr. Gurley’s website at PDF downloads are available for $3.75, while a 6x9 paperback costs $13.50, quite a savings for those who wish to read from the convenience of their PC or laptop.

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JE Gurley is a 53-year old retired Atlanta chef now living in the deserts of Tucson, Arizona with his wife Kim and two cats, Elsie and Shoes. When not writing he plays blues with local bands. His book can be found at
Idle Hands Publishing
James E. Gurley