New Book: "Steps Toward the Mark of the Beast"

Comer, GA, November 02, 2007 --( New Book

“Steps Toward the Mark of the Beast”

The Christian’s Guide to the How and Why of the
Coming Cashless / RFID Economic System

Did you know that you will soon be living in a world where:

There are no checks, coins or paper money?

All your money will exist only as electronic ones and zeros stored in computers?

There is an impenetrable wall between you and your wealth?

There is no privacy?

All buying and selling must be approved?

The world’s economy and even your personal finances are controlled by one entity?

Where you will be controlled by those who grant or deny you access to your wealth?

In his book, “Steps Toward the Mark of the Beast”, Pastor Guest shows the reader how recent changes in the way we transact our business are steps toward a totally cashless monetary system which will replace the present system in which we still use coins and paper money. He also points out how the development and implementation of the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) system of inventory control will result in an airtight method of monitoring the manufacturing and distribution of all goods, including food.
Since the convergence of these two new methods of doing business will greatly affect each one of us, a portion of the book tells the reader what every person must do to prepare for the coming cashless / RFID economic system.

The author, Glenn Guest, has served as a pastor for over 24 years and has also had a career in military and industrial electronics. These two experiences have complimented one another to give Pastor Guest a unique perspective of prophetic scriptures and world events.

Over the years the Lord has given Pastor Guest the privilege of teaching many classes on end time events and the Book of Revelation. He conducts classes in churches, schools, on radio and other venues as the Lord gives him the opportunity.

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Pastor Guest
Glenn Guest