Source Molecular Outlines 4 Steps to Take in Source Tracking
Identifying the sources of fecal pollution in water systems can be as easy as 1-2-3-4. Source Molecular simplified a manual developed by the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project in implementing projects using microbial source tracking (MST).
Miami, FL, October 25, 2014 --( Source Molecular Corporation has simplified the steps to be taken in identifying sources of fecal pollution in water systems.
Source Molecular came up with four things to consider in implementing a microbial source tracking project based on the technical report released by the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project in December 2013 entitled, “The California Microbial Source Identification Manual: A Tiered Approach to Identifying Fecal Pollution Sources to Beaches.”
Things to Consider in Implementing a Microbial Source Tracking Project
The Problem -- Fecal pollution entering the watershed.
Why is it a concern? -- High concentrations of fecal bacteria in the water are a health risk to people and can cause economic losses in the community.
The Solution -- An MST-Tiered Approach
1. Get as much information as you can about the watershed where your project will be located.
In developing your hypotheses about the possible sources of fecal contamination, you will need to:
* Get the local watershed experts’ opinion;
* Know the location, age, and condition of the local storm and sanitary sewer infrastructure;
* Get historical fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) monitoring data and corresponding location maps; and
* Visit the area and have a look around.
2. Examine historical and current FIB monitoring data for spatial and temporal trends.
Find the answers to these questions:
* What conditions result in elevated FIB levels?
* How are these conditions related to the potential sources of fecal contamination?
Use cultivable FIB such as Escherichia coli and Enterococcus to test and prioritize the hypotheses generated. FIB data often already exist from routine monitoring.
3. Testing for human source-specific genetic markers using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) techniques is recommended.
Since traditional technologies are not very effective in identifying small leaks from sanitary sewers, undocumented pipes, or leaking septic systems, as well as direct deposits potentially associated with a homeless encampment, alternative technology must be strongly considered.
Source Molecular specializes in real-time qPCR microbial source tracking and has five tests available to detect Human-associated fecal pollution:
* Human Bacteroidetes ID – Target: Bacteroides dorei
* Human Bacteroidetes ID – Target: EPA-developed HumM2
* Human Bacteroidetes ID – Target: Bacteroides stercoris
* Human Bacteroidetes ID – Target: Bacteroides spp.
* Human Bacteroidetes ID – Target: Bacteroides fragilis
4. After accounting for human sources, fecal pollution from animals should be considered next. Use animal source-specific genetic markers.
Source Molecular’s laboratory can identify 12 animal host sources:
* Cattle,
* Swine,
* Gull,
* Goose,
* Chicken,
* Dog,
* Deer,
* Elk,
* Horse,
* Bird,
* Beaver, and
* Ruminant.
The laboratory also uses EPA-developed and patented MST technology for certain Cattle and Chicken tests.
These steps are based on the Tiered Approach recommended by the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project in the SIPP MST Manual.
About the Company
Source Molecular Corporation is a private commercial laboratory founded in 2002 with a mission to fill the void between source identification research and real-world implementation of the technology. Throughout the years, the Source Molecular microbiology laboratory has analyzed samples for hundreds of industrial plants, watershed management groups, state/federal government agencies, universities and engineering firms making it the leader in the Microbial Source Tracking (MST) industry. By providing commercial MST testing services, Source Molecular assists clients with recreational water quality monitoring and supports Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) development and implementation.
Source Molecular came up with four things to consider in implementing a microbial source tracking project based on the technical report released by the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project in December 2013 entitled, “The California Microbial Source Identification Manual: A Tiered Approach to Identifying Fecal Pollution Sources to Beaches.”
Things to Consider in Implementing a Microbial Source Tracking Project
The Problem -- Fecal pollution entering the watershed.
Why is it a concern? -- High concentrations of fecal bacteria in the water are a health risk to people and can cause economic losses in the community.
The Solution -- An MST-Tiered Approach
1. Get as much information as you can about the watershed where your project will be located.
In developing your hypotheses about the possible sources of fecal contamination, you will need to:
* Get the local watershed experts’ opinion;
* Know the location, age, and condition of the local storm and sanitary sewer infrastructure;
* Get historical fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) monitoring data and corresponding location maps; and
* Visit the area and have a look around.
2. Examine historical and current FIB monitoring data for spatial and temporal trends.
Find the answers to these questions:
* What conditions result in elevated FIB levels?
* How are these conditions related to the potential sources of fecal contamination?
Use cultivable FIB such as Escherichia coli and Enterococcus to test and prioritize the hypotheses generated. FIB data often already exist from routine monitoring.
3. Testing for human source-specific genetic markers using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) techniques is recommended.
Since traditional technologies are not very effective in identifying small leaks from sanitary sewers, undocumented pipes, or leaking septic systems, as well as direct deposits potentially associated with a homeless encampment, alternative technology must be strongly considered.
Source Molecular specializes in real-time qPCR microbial source tracking and has five tests available to detect Human-associated fecal pollution:
* Human Bacteroidetes ID – Target: Bacteroides dorei
* Human Bacteroidetes ID – Target: EPA-developed HumM2
* Human Bacteroidetes ID – Target: Bacteroides stercoris
* Human Bacteroidetes ID – Target: Bacteroides spp.
* Human Bacteroidetes ID – Target: Bacteroides fragilis
4. After accounting for human sources, fecal pollution from animals should be considered next. Use animal source-specific genetic markers.
Source Molecular’s laboratory can identify 12 animal host sources:
* Cattle,
* Swine,
* Gull,
* Goose,
* Chicken,
* Dog,
* Deer,
* Elk,
* Horse,
* Bird,
* Beaver, and
* Ruminant.
The laboratory also uses EPA-developed and patented MST technology for certain Cattle and Chicken tests.
These steps are based on the Tiered Approach recommended by the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project in the SIPP MST Manual.
About the Company
Source Molecular Corporation is a private commercial laboratory founded in 2002 with a mission to fill the void between source identification research and real-world implementation of the technology. Throughout the years, the Source Molecular microbiology laboratory has analyzed samples for hundreds of industrial plants, watershed management groups, state/federal government agencies, universities and engineering firms making it the leader in the Microbial Source Tracking (MST) industry. By providing commercial MST testing services, Source Molecular assists clients with recreational water quality monitoring and supports Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) development and implementation.
Source Molecular Corporation
Mauricio Larenas
(786) 220-0379
Mauricio Larenas
(786) 220-0379
