The STAR by SenseGiz: Enhanced Fitness + Safety Tracker! World's First Wearable Product Which Tracks Safety & Fitness Comprehensively

Imagine if one could get an instant alert every time a friend or family member was in trouble or facing an emergency, time critical situation. It would be priceless, wouldn't it? On top of that, if users could also know their activity intensity, amount of active and inactive time throughout the day, monitor sleep accurately and a host of other features which make life easier, it would be awesome, right!

San Francisco, CA, November 06, 2014 --( Fitness tracker, sleep monitor with a display and child locator... the SenseGiz Star does it all, combining all favorite wearable smart devices into one product. But what really sets the SenseGiz Star apart is an integrated crash/fall alert system. The device senses crash level forces and sends an audible alert to your emergency contacts through an iOS or Android app. SenseGiz has also built in an emergency button so users can send alerts with a few simple taps. The STAR is designed to save lives.

Customers can order the STAR in one of two awesome possibilities; as a Smartband or as a clip to clothing. This does not seek to replace the beloved smartphone but intends to complement the smartphone.

SenseGiz has launched the STAR out of a personal need of peace of mind for the safety of loved ones.

Checkout the Kickstarter campaign for the STAR now @
Abhishek H Latthe