Florida Tobacco Shop Adds Swisher Sweets Cigars Products to Expand Customer Choices
Florida Tobacco Shop, one of the three top online outlets for machine-made cigars, is pleased to announce the addition of Swisher Sweets Cigars to its inventory of exceptional tobacco products. Established in 2014 to provide an extraordinary customer experience for the increasing number of discriminating yet adventurous cigar smokers, Florida Tobacco Shop's online operation has exceeded all expectations and business goals by capturing a major share of the online cigar industry.
Miami, FL, November 06, 2014 --(PR.com)-- Swisher Sweets Cigars Products joins the extensive portfolio of tobacco products that has quickly propelled Florida Tobacco Shop's online operation to the top-tier of Internet cigar suppliers. Swisher Sweets are among the world's most popular cigars and satisfy smokers who want mild or flavored tobacco products. Making top-quality machine-made cigars, Swisher produces cigars, cigarillos, tipped cigars, filtered tobacco products and blunts. Swisher's products include flavored cigars such as Cherry Tip, Grape, Coronella, Peach, Strawberry, Wine, Tequila and many other flavors at affordable prices.
Benefits of the new partnership for smokers include:
-Getting widely available Swisher Sweets Cigars while buying cigar products that are not as commonly sold in local stores
-Ability to get cigars, quality lighters, filters and humidors from one trusted vendor
-Qualifying for special savings and custom offers
-Getting free shipping on orders over $150.00
-Getting products shipped to customers' doors by USPS and UPS
-Shipping to all 50 states and Puerto Rico
A company spokesperson commented on the addition to Florida Tobacco Shop's portfolio of fine tobacco products: “Swisher Sweets Cigars draw nontraditional cigar smokers who prefer a milder, sweet cigar. We hope to expand people's exposure to all the types of tobacco products that have been fueling increased interest in tobacco alternatives to cigarettes. We think Swisher customers will enjoy trying different types of cigars and cigar accessories, and we welcome the Swisher family to our product line enthusiastically.”
About Florida Tobacco Shop
Florida Tobacco Shop has grown explosively in a few short months by providing unparalleled customer service, low prices, fast shipping and hassle-free online ordering 24 hours a day. In addition to superior cigar and tobacco products, the online retailer offers unique gifts for cigar smokers such as desktop and glass-top humidors, windproof lighters, elegant Calibri lighters, torch lighters and signature cigar samplers for smokers who want to try different brands to find the type of cigar that they most prefer.
Contact Information:
Florida Tobacco Shop
8373 NW 74th Street
Medley, FL 33166
Benefits of the new partnership for smokers include:
-Getting widely available Swisher Sweets Cigars while buying cigar products that are not as commonly sold in local stores
-Ability to get cigars, quality lighters, filters and humidors from one trusted vendor
-Qualifying for special savings and custom offers
-Getting free shipping on orders over $150.00
-Getting products shipped to customers' doors by USPS and UPS
-Shipping to all 50 states and Puerto Rico
A company spokesperson commented on the addition to Florida Tobacco Shop's portfolio of fine tobacco products: “Swisher Sweets Cigars draw nontraditional cigar smokers who prefer a milder, sweet cigar. We hope to expand people's exposure to all the types of tobacco products that have been fueling increased interest in tobacco alternatives to cigarettes. We think Swisher customers will enjoy trying different types of cigars and cigar accessories, and we welcome the Swisher family to our product line enthusiastically.”
About Florida Tobacco Shop
Florida Tobacco Shop has grown explosively in a few short months by providing unparalleled customer service, low prices, fast shipping and hassle-free online ordering 24 hours a day. In addition to superior cigar and tobacco products, the online retailer offers unique gifts for cigar smokers such as desktop and glass-top humidors, windproof lighters, elegant Calibri lighters, torch lighters and signature cigar samplers for smokers who want to try different brands to find the type of cigar that they most prefer.
Contact Information:
Florida Tobacco Shop
8373 NW 74th Street
Medley, FL 33166
Lesmy Jacomino
Lesmy Jacomino