Telecommunication vs. Finance Market - Innovation Australia

Australian innovation has never really lagged within the Financial market. However, the Telecommunication industry is still trying to catch up to the rest of the world, that is until now.

Sydney, Australia, September 04, 2007 --( Recently, the Telecommunication and Finance market in Australia have decided to pair up and create a whole new dimension of business solutions.

One promising solution within this portfolio is the Converge Solution. A simple yet powerful business tool that lets any business, small or large to increase the amount of assets they own at a $0 Net Cost to their company.

The solution works by utilizing an existing telecommunication bill as a means to finance new and productive business equipment, ranging from simple assets such as Environmentally-Friendly Printers to more complex assets such as Virtual Enterprises.

The Converge Solution has had strong popularity within the small-medium business market and will eventually aim to target the larger-corporate market within the coming months.

Various brokers and resellers have been popping across the country, dedicated to offering this service to the wider community. The flexibility of this solution may even allow it to enter the consumer market, which will strike further publicity.

One popular and innovative reseller which uses the internet to attract new customers, is MetaSphinx Australia ( The company has directed its resources towards the small - medium business market.

Managing Director, states that “Companies today need to stay innovative…it is this lack of constant innovation that makes many Australian businesses lag in overall efficiency”.

The company has made plans to recruit more business partners in the near future and has also made some speculations in regards to the business potential of the consumer market.

Sasha Johnson
1300 854 072