Launch of the Free Chrome Extension by

Product helping people find the best deals and save money while shopping.

New York, NY, November 13, 2014 --( A unique opportunity has opened for customers who are making purchases in online stores.

The company announced the launch of Chrome Extension, a program designed to help monitor the best deals from all online stores. When you find the item you want to buy, but the price is too high for you, just simply click the 2for1pro chrome extension and select which discount on this item you are interested in: 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% or more.

When your selected item is at a discount you specified, you will receive a notification about this sale.

"You have no idea how cheap these stores will sell the most expensive brands," says Natalya Matyushenko, COO "For example, trendy jeans in Macy's can be bought for just $1.00 on sale! Of course, such sales do not last for eternity, goods are selling out in minutes. That's why we inform our customers about the sale as quickly as possible." is an aggregator of fashion product sales with the discounts of more than 50%, which are collected directly from the suppliers. It’s not an online store. This is a quick search for the best deals.
Natalya Matyushenko