Recent Survey Finds Landlords Fiercely Divided and Grappling Over Most Important Factor to Peaceful, Profitable Property Investing
After surprising, and disturbing, survey results the Fort Wayne Indiana Real Estate Investors Association® announced a special meeting to determine once and for all the ultimate investment property by pitting real estate heavy weights from the two property classes against each other in a battle royale match.
Fort Wayne, IN, November 12, 2014 --( All this in response to a recent survey, the largest survey of its kind polling over 2000 real estate professionals in America, conducted by investor association IndianaREIA™ headquartered in Fort Wayne.
Findings reported 96% of those who bought real estate as investment purposes owned one of two property types, either Single Family houses or 1 to 4 unit Multi-Family Buildings, like a duplex, triplex or fourlpex.
Of the findings most alarming was in response to the question, ‘Which investment property class type is the best real estate investment choice’, a whopping 88% answered ‘Not Sure” while the remaining were equally split, responding “definitely Single Family” and “definitely Mulit Family.”
IndianaREIA™ president Scott Fladhammer says the survey results are “disturbing”. “I have to say, I was personally surprised by that finding.” FladHammer explained the dilemma for real estate investors, “The question is as old as real estate itself and one that nags both those just starting out in real estate as well as seasoned investors.”
“These latest findings indicate that 88% of real estate investors are investing in real estate and cannot defend the decision of their chosen property class and who are uncertain if there may be a better type of property for them.” FladHammer continues, “Because of our a vast amount of data shedding fascinating light on how real estate investors feel we will be providing high-level education, resources and hands-on analytics in this area.”
In response Mr. Fladhammer immediately organized a special meeting to answer The-Mother-Of-All Questions: which property type is the best real estate investment: Single Family houses or Multi Unit Buildings. An expert panel has been commissioned pitting a real estate heavy weight from each property type against the other for a fiery debate.
The match up will include Fort Wayne residents Mike Anderson representing multifamily buildings and Jeff Vaughan on behalf of the single family investment choice. Both investors, who are active in owning and managing real estate for investment and retirement purposes, are considered experts in their chosen fields of property category.
Mike Anderson, who is said to own most of the west central multifamily neighborhood including the Sheraton apartment complex, reveals his investment game plan, “My exit strategy is death so my children can take the reins to a finely tuned empire.”
More on Mike Anderson here:
Jeff Vaughan, hailed by many as Americas Favorite Landlord, holds bragging rights of billing $1.2 million dollars in rent and collecting 100% of it several years running.
To referee the match up Property Management expert Lynn Heffner was called in because of her knowledge in dealing with both property types as well as handling Landlord personalities. Heffner says of this bitter battle, “As preparations were being made opinions and egos on both sides flared.”
The meeting to decide the better investment performer, which has become known as the great debate will take place at 2777 Sherman Blvd. Fort Wayne, Indiana on November 15th at 10:00 am. No RSVP is needed however FladHammer advises, “The doors will open at 9:00 am and closed when we have reached the maximum allowed.”
More information about the Fort Wayne Real Estate Investor Association (REIA) and upcoming meeting can be found at:
For addition comments or information about the meeting, IndianaREIA™ or the real estate investment market please contact Indiana REIA™ president Scott FladHammer at (260) 436-5000 extension 221.
Findings reported 96% of those who bought real estate as investment purposes owned one of two property types, either Single Family houses or 1 to 4 unit Multi-Family Buildings, like a duplex, triplex or fourlpex.
Of the findings most alarming was in response to the question, ‘Which investment property class type is the best real estate investment choice’, a whopping 88% answered ‘Not Sure” while the remaining were equally split, responding “definitely Single Family” and “definitely Mulit Family.”
IndianaREIA™ president Scott Fladhammer says the survey results are “disturbing”. “I have to say, I was personally surprised by that finding.” FladHammer explained the dilemma for real estate investors, “The question is as old as real estate itself and one that nags both those just starting out in real estate as well as seasoned investors.”
“These latest findings indicate that 88% of real estate investors are investing in real estate and cannot defend the decision of their chosen property class and who are uncertain if there may be a better type of property for them.” FladHammer continues, “Because of our a vast amount of data shedding fascinating light on how real estate investors feel we will be providing high-level education, resources and hands-on analytics in this area.”
In response Mr. Fladhammer immediately organized a special meeting to answer The-Mother-Of-All Questions: which property type is the best real estate investment: Single Family houses or Multi Unit Buildings. An expert panel has been commissioned pitting a real estate heavy weight from each property type against the other for a fiery debate.
The match up will include Fort Wayne residents Mike Anderson representing multifamily buildings and Jeff Vaughan on behalf of the single family investment choice. Both investors, who are active in owning and managing real estate for investment and retirement purposes, are considered experts in their chosen fields of property category.
Mike Anderson, who is said to own most of the west central multifamily neighborhood including the Sheraton apartment complex, reveals his investment game plan, “My exit strategy is death so my children can take the reins to a finely tuned empire.”
More on Mike Anderson here:
Jeff Vaughan, hailed by many as Americas Favorite Landlord, holds bragging rights of billing $1.2 million dollars in rent and collecting 100% of it several years running.
To referee the match up Property Management expert Lynn Heffner was called in because of her knowledge in dealing with both property types as well as handling Landlord personalities. Heffner says of this bitter battle, “As preparations were being made opinions and egos on both sides flared.”
The meeting to decide the better investment performer, which has become known as the great debate will take place at 2777 Sherman Blvd. Fort Wayne, Indiana on November 15th at 10:00 am. No RSVP is needed however FladHammer advises, “The doors will open at 9:00 am and closed when we have reached the maximum allowed.”
More information about the Fort Wayne Real Estate Investor Association (REIA) and upcoming meeting can be found at:
For addition comments or information about the meeting, IndianaREIA™ or the real estate investment market please contact Indiana REIA™ president Scott FladHammer at (260) 436-5000 extension 221.
Indiana REIA™
Zakia Abela
(260) 436-5000 extension 223
Zakia Abela
(260) 436-5000 extension 223
