An After-School Apprenticeship Program for Youth to Launch in Los Angeles County

Career Apprenticeship & Mentor Program Brings Its CAMP IN-THE-SCHOOL Model to Schools in Los Angeles.

Los Angeles, CA, November 14, 2014 --( After school programs are known to get students more engaged with school, and an after-school career apprenticeship will provide high school students with the opportunity to explore their career interests and give them on-the-job work experience in their chosen profession.

The Career Apprenticeship & Mentor Program (CAMP) is geared for high school students who are ready to pursue a career before graduating. Its CAMP IN-THE-SCHOOL model is a framework for schools that put students at the forefront of their career journeys and surround them with academic support to help them meet their career goals.

"My philosophy is that life is for learning which has helped me follow my passion full circle into the creation of CAMP," says CAMP founder Cyndi Seidler. "My goal now is to put this program in middle and high schools to help teens achieve success in their pursuit of a career."

The CAMP program was developed by Cyndi Seidler, former Head of Professional Development at Delphi Academy of Los Angeles. The experience at this school was a contributing factor to developing CAMP. While exploring other apprenticeship models, she discovered that there were no other apprenticeship programs that was year-round, that was delivered in the school, nor any that provided unlimited career choices. It was then that she decided to bring her model to schools across the country, starting in Los Angeles.

“The CAMP model brings a career curriculum that provides an expanded supplementary learning structure,” says Seidler. “And, unlike other apprenticeship programs that offer specialized work or industry apprenticeships, this will give students the means to pursue any type of occupation and match them with mentors in any line of work. This, I believe, will be the key to career success.”

According to Afterschool Alliance, studies found that every 26 seconds, a students drops out of high school and that after school programs effectively address and help resolve many of the issues that lead to dropping out. In another study from After School Matters, teens who participate in after school programs showed more positive youth development, less behavioral problems, and exhibited a stronger sense of connection to their school.

The impact CAMP will have in schools will be unprecedented, as it will be the first after school apprenticeship that furnishes a school with an unparalleled in-the-school apprenticeship program offered to youth in schools year-round. And its promising CAMP IN-THE-SCHOOL strategy engages teens in experiences that connects them with career experts and builds real world skills that prepare them for college and careers.

For schools, the CAMP model provides the means for a school to offer an after school apprenticeship program to its students without disrupting the school's normal operations or utilizing its existing faculty. For students, it supplements their education through a Career Curriculum and on-the-job apprenticeships.

As an after-school program provider for schools, CAMP is gearing up to implement CAMP IN-THE-SCHOOL with a crowd-sourcing campaign on Indiegogo to raise the initial funds needed to staff up, get moved into a CAMP headquarters building, and become a non-profit.

“CAMP will be based on the support of Program Sponsors who will enable us to deliver CAMP IN-THE-SCHOOL and provide scholarships to cover the CAMP tuition costs for students who qualify,” explained Seidler. “Also, once we have non-profit status, doors will open up for the CAMP initiative.”

CAMP IN-THE-SCHOOL will run in 12-week sessions during fall, winter and spring semesters, with a summer 10-week CAMP session. Seidler plans to launch the program in Los Angeles County and surrounding areas by February 2015 then branch out in major cities throughout California and across the country.

About CAMP
CAMP (Career Apprenticeship & Mentor Program) is an after-school year-round apprenticeship program in the school for students in middle and high schools. Its program model CAMP IN-THE-SCHOOL was developed by Cyndi Seidler and based on a successful model by After School Matters and the apprenticeship program at Delphi Academy of Los Angeles. Website:
Cyndi Seidler