Bullying Prevention and Intervention Key Topics at National Middle School Association Conference
Mary Jo McGrath, attorney at law and founder of McGrath Training Systems, presents workshops on legally fit approaches to address the bullying epidemic in schools.
Santa Barbara, CA, November 06, 2007 --(PR.com)-- School bullying is rampant in America, at times even leading to school shootings. Many states have adopted laws mandating bullying prevention programs. Protecting students and school districts from the effects of bullying will be one of the main topics at the 34th Annual National Middle School Administrators Conference in Houston, Nov 8. Some 10,000 middle school administrators from around the country are expected to attend.
Mary Jo McGrath is a nationally recognized legal expert in education and author of “School Bullying: Tools for Avoiding Harm and Liability.” She will educate the NMSA administrators in a three-hour program that will focus on detecting and identifying incidents and patterns of bullying, the 10 myths that keep bullying entrenched, how to break the student “code of silence” that can lead to the failure to report threats of extreme violence, and many other aspects of the bullying epidemic.
Ms. McGrath will present a second program that exposes the growing trend of Emotional Bullying. This type of bullying includes rumor spreading, exclusion, ostracizing and other means of social scheming. An exploration of technobullying - which uses three-way calling attacks, harassment by instant messaging, online impersonation, abusive blogging and other cyber-enabled harassment techniques - also will be discussed.
Ms. McGrath, who recently appeared on CNN and ABC Now Evening News, discussing sexual predators in schools, presents a third workshop on Protecting Students and Educators in Extra-Curricular Settings. This presentation will focus on how to provide safe, effective supervision to students while on overnight trips and field trips; how to screen and manage volunteers and chaperones; and how to protect against charges of sexual misconduct and deliberate indifference.
Mary Jo McGrath, attorney at law and chief executive officer of McGrath Training Systems, is a frequent presenter at school-related national conferences. Using the insights she has gained during more than 30 years as school district counsel, as an investigating attorney, and as an expert witness in cases regarding school district duty and liability, Mary Jo has created risk control training programs that target the greatest liabilities in public education. McGrath Training Systems delivers programs nationwide - on site, on line and on video. For more information, go to www.mcgrathinc.com.
Mary Jo McGrath is a nationally recognized legal expert in education and author of “School Bullying: Tools for Avoiding Harm and Liability.” She will educate the NMSA administrators in a three-hour program that will focus on detecting and identifying incidents and patterns of bullying, the 10 myths that keep bullying entrenched, how to break the student “code of silence” that can lead to the failure to report threats of extreme violence, and many other aspects of the bullying epidemic.
Ms. McGrath will present a second program that exposes the growing trend of Emotional Bullying. This type of bullying includes rumor spreading, exclusion, ostracizing and other means of social scheming. An exploration of technobullying - which uses three-way calling attacks, harassment by instant messaging, online impersonation, abusive blogging and other cyber-enabled harassment techniques - also will be discussed.
Ms. McGrath, who recently appeared on CNN and ABC Now Evening News, discussing sexual predators in schools, presents a third workshop on Protecting Students and Educators in Extra-Curricular Settings. This presentation will focus on how to provide safe, effective supervision to students while on overnight trips and field trips; how to screen and manage volunteers and chaperones; and how to protect against charges of sexual misconduct and deliberate indifference.
Mary Jo McGrath, attorney at law and chief executive officer of McGrath Training Systems, is a frequent presenter at school-related national conferences. Using the insights she has gained during more than 30 years as school district counsel, as an investigating attorney, and as an expert witness in cases regarding school district duty and liability, Mary Jo has created risk control training programs that target the greatest liabilities in public education. McGrath Training Systems delivers programs nationwide - on site, on line and on video. For more information, go to www.mcgrathinc.com.
McGrath Training Systems
Mary Jo McGrath
Mary Jo McGrath
