Lose Weight 4 Humanity Takes Its Weight Loss Campaign Global

Today, Lose Weight 4 Humanity announced it has opened its weight loss campaign to international participation, stating the obesity epidemic is not just an American problem, but a global one

West Orange, NJ, November 10, 2007 --(PR.com)-- With diet and weight loss a top concern among health officials across the globe, Lose Weight 4 Humanity (http://www.LoseWeight4Humanity.com) announced today it will be taking its weight loss campaign to the nations in a heroic effort to impact the obesity crisis and unhealthy weight issues that have risen sharply over the past few years. The World Health Organization projects that by 2015 approximately 2.3 billion adults will be overweight and more than 700 million obese.

“Our goal,” says founder Charles Allen, “is to motivate millions of overweight and obese people from around the world to embrace a diet and exercise regimen that will enable them to experience weight loss and improved health. Dieting is not always easy, but we make it easier by providing the motivation to get started and continue until the desired goal is reached.”

The motivation strategy employed by Lose Weight 4 Humanity is rooted in the power of compassion. In this case, it’s compassion for the poor. Each weight loss effort is approached as a fundraiser to help Thirst Relief International implement clean water systems in the third world, where more than 2 million people die every year from drinking contaminated water. 90% of those who die are children under age 5.

The theme "Lose A Pound, Save A Life" is the driving force behind the campaign. Sponsors, on behalf of the participant they’re supporting, donate $5, the cost to provide one person with a lifetime of clean water, to Thirst Relief for every pound he or she loses. If one person loses five pounds and has ten sponsors, that's $250 raised and up to fifty lives saved. Five hundred people would be $125,000 and up to 25,000 lives. Five thousand participants would raise enough to save up to 250,000 lives.

“Once we get this message out, and people understand the potential life-saving impact of their effort,” says Allen, “we expect participants to start pouring in from all over the world saying they’re ready to diet and lose weight. That’s the kind of effect motivation has. It energizes behavior, and compassion is one of the strongest energizers of all.”

Lose Weight 4 Humanity is a volunteer fundraising organization based out of West Orange, New Jersey. For more information, contact Charles Allen, founder and director of fundraising.

Lose Weight 4 Humanity
Charles Allen