REWALK Bionic Suit is Donated to Local Philadelphia Man

Philadelphia, PA, January 09, 2015 --( Dan Webb suffered a catastrophic injury on October 4, 2010. Dan, a young father of two, husband, athlete and former contractor, was now paralyzed from the waist down. His life was permanently altered. His physical capacities were shattered and his financial opportunities crumbled. Years later Dan learned of a breakthrough technology that was being tested at Moss Rehab Hospital. The REWALK product offered hope to Dan when such hope seemed to be nothing but fantasy. The REWALK system would allow Dan to stand, to walk, to function freely and to restore an autonomous existence which he thought was lost forever. Dan has dedicated himself to maximizing the extraordinary benefits of the REWALK system. To watch Dan walk in his personal REWALK exoskeleton suit is to witness the boundless joy of a participant in a miracle. With simple eloquence Dan captures the magnitude of his new device and the new life it affords him. "When I use my REWALK I feel restored and elevated. I am in control of my destiny. The feeling is incredible!"

Dan Webb has completed his training at Bionics Research / AlliedOP LLC who are primary collaborators with REWALK, LLC in the training and distribution of the REWALK system. On Friday Jan 9, 2015 Dan will be the beneficiary of the generosity of a group of friends from the American Technion Society and members of T.B.I. synagogue in Blue Bell, PA. Dan will receive the $70,000 FDA approved bionic suit (the REWALK personal system) to take home and use for his everyday activities. A collaboration of skill and personal effort (Bionics Research / AlliedOP), technological expertise (REWALK) and charitable largesse (Friends of American Technion Society) has provided Dan Webb an unimagined future that will yield hope and optimism for thousands more like him.

Join Bionics Research for this wonderful occasion this Friday starting at 9 am Jan 9, 2015.

At Bionics Research - Allied OP
813 East Gate Drive
Mount Laurel, NJ 08054
(800) 848-8866

Dan Bellapianta
1 (570) 972-7519
Bionics Research
Dan Bellapianta