Canned Tomato Market in India

Navi Mumbai, India, January 16, 2015 --( presents the report on "The Canned tomato Market in India." A complete quantitative, hard data demand and supply analysis of final human consumption in the country and product markets are covered. All product markets are carefully defined so as to be comparable across all countries.

Market demand for years 2008, 2012, 2013 and forecasts for years 2014, 2015 and 2016. Company market shares and brands for 2014 and continuously updated.

- Individual Product Market in each country covered: Canned tomato.
- Country Market: India

A complete quantitative, hard data demand and supply analysis of final human consumption in the country and product markets are covered. All product markets are carefully defined so as to be comparable across all countries.

2 Ultimate Holding Companies are cited in this report together with their market shares; additionally, own-label share of the market is also quoted. The market share represented by the leading companies in this report (up to 10) is 17%.

Based on FFT's international food and drink markets database, now in its 25th year, the report includes (see detailed Table of Contents for more):

* Separate Foodservice and Retail Market data are given by volume and value, and by product and country, hence providing complete coverage of the final human consumption
* Up to the Top-10 holding companies by market share by product, country and region

A unique strategic vision of the market in India is presented, in particular identifying the numerous companies present together with their market shares and major brands by country and product. Standard data tables for each product provide a panorama of companies' strengths and presence.

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