Ad Campaign for Happiness and the Super Bowl Both Hit Phoenix This Week Vancouver, Washington's Joy Team, Sends 1 Million Smiles 1,344 Miles
A positive thought organization based in Vancouver, Washington, called The Joy Team put up four billboards this week in Phoenix, the 6th largest city in the US and the location for this year's Super Bowl, with the sole intention of spreading joy, optimism and inspiration.
Phoenix, AZ, January 31, 2015 --( The Joy Team, a 501c3, recently reached the milestone of putting up 100 positive messages in the Portland, Oregon/ Vancouver, Washington area; which drew the attention of Phoenix local Fred Bentzen of OUTFRONT Media. “OUTFRONT Media controls around 80% of the out-of-home marketplace in Phoenix, and I was excited to work with the Joy Team to bring the message to our area,” said Fred Bentzen, Account Executive, OUTFRONT Media. “With incredible expediency and enthusiasm from both teams, we were able to display these posters to a massive audience, and I am thrilled to be a part of such positivity.”
"We were thrilled at Fred's invitation to spread some joy in Phoenix," said Michele McKeag Larsen, founder and chief joy officer of The Joy Team. The organization usually has local sponsors helping to put up positive messages in the Portland area. To get started in Phoenix, board members Heather Strang (of Portland, OR) and Carol McKeag (of Beaverton, OR) each sponsored a Phoenix billboard and board member Patricia Johnson (of Las Cruces, NM) co-sponsored one with The Joy Team. The fourth billboard is sponsored solely by The Joy Team. "We're hoping to grow a base of supporters in Phoenix to keep positive messages popping up in their metro area," said Larsen.
The billboards are spread out in the Phoenix metro area.
"Smiling leads to happiness. Try it. We double dog dare you." is on Grand Avenue, 100 feet north of 39th Avenue on the west side.
"Breathe in love. Exhale gratitude." is on Cave Creek Road, 94 feet north of 9th Street on the east side.
"You are beautiful. Yes, YOU." is on Van Buren Street, 100 feet west of 19th Street on the south side.
And finally, "You're on the path that leads to AWESOME. Seriously. We saw the sign." in on Apache Trail, 50 feet west of Saguaro Drive on the south side.
The combined number of times each of these messages will be seen in the four-week period they're up equates to over 1 million smiles.
"Let's face it, we all have days where we need a pick-me-up, a reminder that our life is good, we are loved & that awesome is just around the corner. It can be easy to get overwhelmed by what's going "wrong," and The Joy Team billboards are the perfect antidote. One positive message can brighten millions of people's lives and that's something I just had to be a part of," said Heather Strang, spiritual teacher and author. “It's my way of giving back - spreading positive messages to others - and I'm so grateful to The Joy Team for providing the way to do this."
Why create an ad campaign for happiness? Positive messages influence our thoughts. Our thoughts affect our beliefs, the words we speak and the actions we take; which shape the circumstances and events of our lives. Happier, more optimistic thoughts lead to happier, more optimistic people. Why does happiness matter? Not only does research show the health benefits are huge; but it also shows happiness leads to success in nearly every domain of our lives; including marriage, friendship, community involvement, creativity and, in particular, our jobs, careers and businesses.
Why billboards?
An average poster billboard in the Phoenix area is seen 64,879 times weekly. It reaches 25,911 adults and each person, on average, sees it 1.6 times in a week.
Billboard advertising works. You can't turn it off, fast forward it or mute it. If you drive by it, you see it. Most people can't help reading something they see, it's automatic. Want to share a happy thought? A billboard is an excellent way to do it.
About The Joy Team
Founded in February 2010, The Joy Team is a 501c3 corporation based in Vancouver, Washington, with the mission of building community by spreading joy, optimism and inspiration. Projects of the positive thought organization include putting up 100 positive messages (and counting), delivering over 2,250 Happy Packets to the staff of organizations serving the community through The Junior Joy Team, giving over 4,000 jars of joy-wrapped peanut butter to hungry kids through the PB & JOY Project and the annual Chalk the Walks event. Learn more at, like them on or follow them on Twitter @TheJoyTeam.
"We were thrilled at Fred's invitation to spread some joy in Phoenix," said Michele McKeag Larsen, founder and chief joy officer of The Joy Team. The organization usually has local sponsors helping to put up positive messages in the Portland area. To get started in Phoenix, board members Heather Strang (of Portland, OR) and Carol McKeag (of Beaverton, OR) each sponsored a Phoenix billboard and board member Patricia Johnson (of Las Cruces, NM) co-sponsored one with The Joy Team. The fourth billboard is sponsored solely by The Joy Team. "We're hoping to grow a base of supporters in Phoenix to keep positive messages popping up in their metro area," said Larsen.
The billboards are spread out in the Phoenix metro area.
"Smiling leads to happiness. Try it. We double dog dare you." is on Grand Avenue, 100 feet north of 39th Avenue on the west side.
"Breathe in love. Exhale gratitude." is on Cave Creek Road, 94 feet north of 9th Street on the east side.
"You are beautiful. Yes, YOU." is on Van Buren Street, 100 feet west of 19th Street on the south side.
And finally, "You're on the path that leads to AWESOME. Seriously. We saw the sign." in on Apache Trail, 50 feet west of Saguaro Drive on the south side.
The combined number of times each of these messages will be seen in the four-week period they're up equates to over 1 million smiles.
"Let's face it, we all have days where we need a pick-me-up, a reminder that our life is good, we are loved & that awesome is just around the corner. It can be easy to get overwhelmed by what's going "wrong," and The Joy Team billboards are the perfect antidote. One positive message can brighten millions of people's lives and that's something I just had to be a part of," said Heather Strang, spiritual teacher and author. “It's my way of giving back - spreading positive messages to others - and I'm so grateful to The Joy Team for providing the way to do this."
Why create an ad campaign for happiness? Positive messages influence our thoughts. Our thoughts affect our beliefs, the words we speak and the actions we take; which shape the circumstances and events of our lives. Happier, more optimistic thoughts lead to happier, more optimistic people. Why does happiness matter? Not only does research show the health benefits are huge; but it also shows happiness leads to success in nearly every domain of our lives; including marriage, friendship, community involvement, creativity and, in particular, our jobs, careers and businesses.
Why billboards?
An average poster billboard in the Phoenix area is seen 64,879 times weekly. It reaches 25,911 adults and each person, on average, sees it 1.6 times in a week.
Billboard advertising works. You can't turn it off, fast forward it or mute it. If you drive by it, you see it. Most people can't help reading something they see, it's automatic. Want to share a happy thought? A billboard is an excellent way to do it.
About The Joy Team
Founded in February 2010, The Joy Team is a 501c3 corporation based in Vancouver, Washington, with the mission of building community by spreading joy, optimism and inspiration. Projects of the positive thought organization include putting up 100 positive messages (and counting), delivering over 2,250 Happy Packets to the staff of organizations serving the community through The Junior Joy Team, giving over 4,000 jars of joy-wrapped peanut butter to hungry kids through the PB & JOY Project and the annual Chalk the Walks event. Learn more at, like them on or follow them on Twitter @TheJoyTeam.
The Joy Team
Michele Mckeag Laren
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Michele Mckeag Laren
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