Peachily Announces Optimisation Solutions to Include SMO and CRO as Standard

Peachily has taken the move to add Social Media Optimisation (SMO) and Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) to its range of Internet services. Businesses are realising more and more that just performing standard SEO techniques may not be enough to reach good search engine rankings anymore.

Bristol, United Kingdom, November 16, 2007 --( With good search engine rankings getting harder and harder to obtain, many businesses are turning to SMO and CRO techniques to help their website get closer to that number 1 spot on popular search Engines.

Many companies are finding it increasingly difficult to keep their search engine ranking on Google, Yahoo and MSN. Not only with more competition appearing every day, but also search engines regularly change their ranking criteria in the hope of providing their customers more of the sites they are looking for, along with a better Internet surfing experience.

Within the last couple of weeks, Peachily has noticed a decrease in PageRank not only for some of the websites they have optimised, but also for many of their customers’ competitors. They see this as a move by the popular search engines towards including social aspects into their ranking criteria. Similar to how social networking websites like MySpace and Facebook share information, opinions and experiences via links, images, sounds and videos, they see the main search engines also moving in this direction.

SEO helps companies to communicate with Search Engines with the use of keyword placement and also to increase their linking profile. Social Media Optimisation on the other hand helps a company interact with their customers by providing a Discussion Forum, Blog and live RSS Feeds of regularly changing information. It also allows visitors from social networking sites to easily bookmark their content for sharing.

SEO and SMO are techniques to bring traffic to a website, but once that traffic arrives, Conversion Rate Optimisation takes over in turning those visitors into customers. A conversion is defined as someone who takes a desired action on the website, like completing a form, subscribing to a Newsletter or making a property enquiry. Typically, 50% of visitors press the back button on arriving at a site. CRO techniques help to keep more of these visitors on your website.

Without optimisation, small companies find it almost impossible competing with websites already established on search engine listings. Without having to spend a small fortune on advertising and marketing in traditional media outlets, these techniques allow small companies to compete with large market players. The high street may be losing small corner shops to the large Supermarkets, but the Internet allows everyone a fair shout.

"The Internet is constantly evolving and search engines are having to change to keep up with these advancements," said Steve Greenwood, director for Peachily. "If businesses don’t look closely at their own websites and the optimisation techniques they use, then they may find themselves getting so far left behind, they may find it almost impossible to catch up."

About Peachily Design and Optimisation:
Peachily has been designing and optimising websites along the Costa del Sol (Spain) for 4 years. They offer many Internet optimisation solutions including SEO, SMO and CRO and also Online Reputation Management (ORM) to help businesses track their online reputation on a daily basis.

Peachily Website Design & SEO
Steve Greenwood
(0034) 952 524 581