Meg Oliver Publishes Her Own Book

Woman publishes her book online. She tried for years to go the conventional route. Now she's glad that did not work out. "In Another Life" by Meg Oliver is available online or coming soon to a bookstore near you. Meg Oliver, of Oliver Options, embodies the new author of the new era in writing and publishing. No longer is a writer at the mercy of the publishing giants. Self publishing is the new and improved way to publish a book.

Cheyenne, WY, November 17, 2007 --( Meg Oliver of Cheyenne, Wyoming recently published her book, "In Another Life" in the new way: Online. Lulu Publishing enabled Meg to publish the book herself after a few rejections from traditional publishers. This past September Meg became a vigil ante writer. When she learned of an affordable way to publish the book herself, she took matters into her own hands. "I only wish I had known about this years ago," says Meg. "I'm excited to take charge of this endeavor, and if you are an author, nothing quite compares to actually seeing your own book in printed form." Meg began writing "In Another Life" in 2000 and finished it in 2003. Since then she has been submitting it to literary agents and publishing companies in her quest to become a published author. The coming-of-age novel is about a woman who drops out of corporate America, moves to the north Georgia mountains to raise horses and grow her own food, and falls in love with her Blacksmith. Since Meg made her living as a Professional Farrier, or Blacksmith for fifteen years, she drew upon that expertise when writing the novel. If you've ever wanted to change your life, you must read this book. If you love horses or women, you have another reason to read this book. If you ever wanted to publish a book, contact Meg at or call 307.631.1036. Meg will help you. It's a whole new world, Skippy, and change is good. Her very first book signing will be at City Newsstand Bookstore and Coffee House 1722 Carey Avenue, Cheyenne, Wyoming on Saturday, Dec 1, 2007 from 10 am till 12 noon. Come meet Meg in person and buy an autographed copy of her revolutionary new book. She says, "I always knew my book would get published, and I always looked forward to my book signing. Now both things are becoming a is the realization of a lifelong dream for me. Please come share in my celebration."

Oliver & Associates
Meg Oliver