Celtnet Site Developer Creates Novel Image-Based ClickBank Ads

In an attempt to provide the best possible marketing tools to all internet marketers, the developer of the Celtnet site has made image-based ClickBank contextual (adsens-like) ads available to all. Anyone with a website can use these new image-based ads on their websites, and all for free.

Macclesfield, United Kingdom, November 21, 2007 --(PR.com)-- 'Ad Blindness' is a major problem for all internet marketers where site visitors get used to seeing text ads on sites and automatically tune them out. As a result click-through rates and incomes for website developers fall. To make ads stand out, experiments are currently underway with image and video advertising, all to make ads stand out so that click-through rates increase once again.

It is a truism that 'an image is worth a thousand words' and recent studies have shown that including images in and around ads can significantly increase click-through rates. Using this recent research as a basis, Dyfed Lloyd Evans, developer of the Celtnet site has created the first ClickBank based ads system that incorporate images of the product websites into the ads themselves. These ads are completely unique and it's the first time this has been done for ClickBank products.

The ads themselves plug into the www.celtnet.org.uk/auctions/marketplace.php Celtnet ClickBank marketplace which displays human-edited images and human-edited text for all ClickBank products. The ads themselves are contextual, and the user can chose the latest ClickBank products, any section or subsection of ClickBank or can specify their own keywords to generate the ads from. The code is generated automatically and use is a simple matter of copying and pasting into a web page. As the ads themselves are created dynamically from the Celtnet database the ads change each time the web page is refreshed.

For more details and to try the code generation pages for yourself visit: www.celtnet.org.uk/auctions/make_graphics_code.php where you can try the ad generation code for yourself and instantly see the results. Just like AdSense code you can modify the entire 'look and feel' of the ads to suit any website. The ads are offered as 'Donationware' and 8% of all proceeds go to the Celtnet site's Help Stefan charity campaign.

The Celtnet site aims to support small webmasters and those starting-out in internet marketing by providing tools and applications that allow anyone with a website to benefit from internet marketing. The site then uses a percentage of any revenue gained to aid the charity it supports. The aim is to make the best tools available at the lowest cost for all.

Dyfed Lloyd Evans