Capita Conferences Announce Details of Their Inspecting Children's Services Conference - 29th June 2015
London, United Kingdom, April 01, 2015 --( Capita’s National Inspecting Children’s Services Conference prepares you for Ofsted’s Single Inspection Framework, where you will learn what to expect from inspections, how to implement an improvement plan post-inspection, and how to achieve outstanding results in the three key judgement areas.
With sessions on government Improvement Notices and preparing your Local Safeguarding Children’s Board (LSCB) for scrutiny, attend this timely conference to hear from Capita's line-up of expert speakers who have experienced the inspections first-hand.
Do not miss the opportunity to attend with colleagues from across your locality to identify areas for improvement, opportunities for closer working between agencies and to form a comprehensive picture of the effectiveness of your provision for vulnerable children.
Expert Speakers Include:
- Keynote Address: Karen Marcroft, Head of Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement, Walsall Council, and Member, Performance and Inspections Subgroup, Munro Review
- Chair: Sherry Malik, Director of Children’s Services Development and Delivery, NSPCC
- Lynn Davinson, Children’s Inspection Team Leader, Care Quality Commission (CQC)
- Jonathan Stanley, Executive Officer, The Independent Children’s Homes Association
- Chris Williams, Chief Executive, Buckinghamshire County Council
- Niki Clemo, Director of Children’s Social Care, Cambridgeshire County Council
- Chris Cook, Independent Chair, Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Board
- Hannah Farncombe, Safeguarding Manager, Oxfordshire County Council
- John Fowler, Policy Manager, Local Government Information Unit
Contact: Aoife Grimes on 020 7960 7720 or
Follow us on Twitter @capitaconf #capitaconf
With sessions on government Improvement Notices and preparing your Local Safeguarding Children’s Board (LSCB) for scrutiny, attend this timely conference to hear from Capita's line-up of expert speakers who have experienced the inspections first-hand.
Do not miss the opportunity to attend with colleagues from across your locality to identify areas for improvement, opportunities for closer working between agencies and to form a comprehensive picture of the effectiveness of your provision for vulnerable children.
Expert Speakers Include:
- Keynote Address: Karen Marcroft, Head of Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement, Walsall Council, and Member, Performance and Inspections Subgroup, Munro Review
- Chair: Sherry Malik, Director of Children’s Services Development and Delivery, NSPCC
- Lynn Davinson, Children’s Inspection Team Leader, Care Quality Commission (CQC)
- Jonathan Stanley, Executive Officer, The Independent Children’s Homes Association
- Chris Williams, Chief Executive, Buckinghamshire County Council
- Niki Clemo, Director of Children’s Social Care, Cambridgeshire County Council
- Chris Cook, Independent Chair, Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Board
- Hannah Farncombe, Safeguarding Manager, Oxfordshire County Council
- John Fowler, Policy Manager, Local Government Information Unit
Contact: Aoife Grimes on 020 7960 7720 or
Follow us on Twitter @capitaconf #capitaconf
Capita Conferences
Aoife Grimes
020 7470 9141
Aoife Grimes
020 7470 9141
