For the Next Week, to Celebrate Its Grand Opening, Ivy League Edge is Giving Away Free Copies of an Award-Winning Book, "Riffing on Strings"

Co-founded by Sean and Shveta Miller, Ivy League Edge is a Portland, Oregon-based company that offers products and services to help high school students get into their first-choice college--and succeed academically when they get there.

Portland, OR, April 09, 2015 --( Dr. Sean Miller, co-founder of Ivy League Edge, makes a point of sharing with his students the secret to success for both getting into a good college--and excelling academically once they get there. He's a firm believer that if such a secret could be distilled into one idea, that idea would be what he calls "intellectual rigor."

"After all," Dr. Sean says, "intellectual rigor is what colleges are meant to teach. It's what professors want from their students. And it's what companies want from their college-educated employees." It follows that colleges seek applicants who demonstrate potential for intellectual rigor, whatever form that may take.

And, of course, there are a wide variety of forms that intellectual rigor may take. For example, the free book on offer to celebrate the launch of Ivy League Edge, "Riffing on Strings," is a unique collection of creative writing that explores the cosmic and cultural resonances of string theory. The collection gathers together thought-provoking essays, short stories, poems, and a play from over 40 acclaimed authors, including Nobel Laureate Sheldon Glashow, Michio Kaku, Peter Woit, Adam Roberts, Colette Inez, and Brenda Hillman.

"'Riffing on Strings'," Dr. Sean says, "is intellectually rigorous in that the writing within explores--with originality and insight--the diverse ways that one particular form of scientific knowledge--string theory--becomes cultural, or even personal cosmology." Due to the peculiar yet potent workings of the human mind, a physical theory about the mechanics of the universe on the smallest of scales transforms into a shared imaginary that connects people not only to that universe, but to each other.

In a full-page review of the book in the New Scientist, Amanda Gefter writes, “I was pleased to find such an eclectic, thought-provoking and entertaining collection of writing—perfect for toting along on travels in other dimensions.” And CalTech physicist Sean Carroll writes, “Putting together a theory of everything requires a lot of creativity, and more than a little audacity—qualities which are also abundant in this collection of stories and poems inspired by string theory. 'Riffing on Strings' is guaranteed to stimulate both hemispheres of your brain.”

Free copies of "Riffing on Strings: Creative Writing Inspired by String Theory" are available for download on the Ivy League Edge website until April 14, 2015.
Ivy League Edge
Dr. Sean Miller