iROBUSTO Adds Cigar Manufacturer as Lead Sponsor a new online interactive cigar site adds Global Premium Cigars to the "Meet in the Middle" cigar show and website.
Baltimore, MD, April 22, 2015 --( Global Premium Cigars is a Nicaraguan tobacco company, which owns the brand 1502. The cigar blends presented by the company are the 1502 Emerald, 1502 Ruby, 1502 Black Gold and the 1502 Nicaragua. The cigars are named for the discovery of Nicaragua by Christopher Columbus in the year 1502.
“We’re excited and proud to have some very highly rated cigars on our site. The 1502 cigars are premium cigars that encompass the tastes, flavours and spirit of Nicaraguan cigars” said Mark Swanson an iROBUSTO spokesperson.
1502 is now a featured sponsor for the Meet in the Middle Cigar show. “In celebration of this sponsorship, 1502 cigars will be part of the weekly giveaway during one of the segments. Viewers are encouraged to join the newsletter on the site to get their chance to win. You’ll see how excited we are to have them on board in the videos. We were jumping out of our seats and the audience will be too” stated Leander, a veteran cigar reviewer and presenter on the show.
1502 is a brand highly focused on supporting brick and mortar cigar shops across the United States and has an online presence as well. The cigars have received high scores on sites like iROBUSTO, such as Cigar Journal and Cigar Snob. Video reviews are planned for iROBUSTO and will be posted on the site in weeks to come.
“The richness, the fullness and the overall look and feel of these cigars is something to marvel over. I’m a fan of these cigars and look forward to share them with the viewers,” said Hyacinth, colour commentator on the show.
The Meet in the Middle Cigar Show will feature 1502 cigars as the lead sponsor through the end of June and has plans to continue the relationship until the end of the year.
“We’re excited and proud to have some very highly rated cigars on our site. The 1502 cigars are premium cigars that encompass the tastes, flavours and spirit of Nicaraguan cigars” said Mark Swanson an iROBUSTO spokesperson.
1502 is now a featured sponsor for the Meet in the Middle Cigar show. “In celebration of this sponsorship, 1502 cigars will be part of the weekly giveaway during one of the segments. Viewers are encouraged to join the newsletter on the site to get their chance to win. You’ll see how excited we are to have them on board in the videos. We were jumping out of our seats and the audience will be too” stated Leander, a veteran cigar reviewer and presenter on the show.
1502 is a brand highly focused on supporting brick and mortar cigar shops across the United States and has an online presence as well. The cigars have received high scores on sites like iROBUSTO, such as Cigar Journal and Cigar Snob. Video reviews are planned for iROBUSTO and will be posted on the site in weeks to come.
“The richness, the fullness and the overall look and feel of these cigars is something to marvel over. I’m a fan of these cigars and look forward to share them with the viewers,” said Hyacinth, colour commentator on the show.
The Meet in the Middle Cigar Show will feature 1502 cigars as the lead sponsor through the end of June and has plans to continue the relationship until the end of the year.
Lucy Ward
Lucy Ward