South Carolina Couple Launches Online Character Education Course for Kids and Teens is a new online service that teaches moral values and positive character to children and teens through innovative, interactive webinars.

Charleston, SC, November 23, 2007 --( A South Carolina couple has just launched a new online service that teaches positive behavior and moral values to young people over the Internet.

Todd and Rebekah Mathews are certified teachers of the Peaceful Solutions Character Education Program, which they began presenting in afterschool workshops in Charleston, SC in 2003. When they saw how effective it was in helping teens and pre-teens develop stronger characters and make better decisions, the couple adapted it for online learning.

Co-founder Rebekah Mathews: "Although the few people we were reaching in person was great, it wasn’t enough. We wanted to make a dent in the crime statistics and ultimately diminish them. That’s when we turned to the Internet, where we knew we could reach a lot more people."

Their five-part Character Courses ( allow young people to openly discuss the difficult issues they face every day, like:

• Bullying
• Peer pressure
• Drugs and alcohol abuse
• Promiscuity
• Intolerance of others
• Lack of self esteem

A trained, certified instructor guides the small group of children in better ways to manage conflicts and pressures. Students view live demonstrations on their computer monitors via webinar while they interact with the teacher and other students over the phone line. This format lets them share personal experiences without risking shame or disapproval from parents and teachers.

President and co-founder Todd Mathews says adults also benefit. "It is our hope that we can teach these character courses to every man, woman and child so they can get the same peace in their lives that we have experienced in our own home and bring about a more peaceful community where all children can play safely."

The Character Courses are available for purchase on the website by parents, for use at home, or by teachers, for use in the classroom.

For more details, visit: or contact:

Todd Mathews, President and Co-Founder
Phone: 1-877-236-3364
Fax: 1-843-767-4363

Character Courses
Todd Mathews