Art Gallery Invites Customers to Name Their Own Price

The Artfinder’s Gallery in Liverpool has opted not to have sale prices on the wall for the current exhibition, and is inviting interested customers to make an offer for any work of art that they like.

Liverpool, United Kingdom, November 24, 2007 --( The Artfinder’s Gallery in Liverpool has opted not to have sale prices on the wall for the current exhibition, and is inviting interested customers to make an offer for any work of art that they like.

Lydia Bates, The Artfinder, talks about her reason for taking this approach with the exhibition of original prints by Iraqi artists from the last 30 years; “It always seemed unfair to me that exhibition sales always worked on a first come first served basis. I frequently find that there will be one or two pieces in each exhibition that sell early and that later visitors are disappointed at missing out on the opportunity. By accepting offers over the course of the exhibition that problem doesn’t occur, and the art goes to whoever values it the most.”

Each work of art is given a starting price, and any offer above that price qualifies as a valid offer, Lydia Bates explains how the starting price is worked out; “The starting price is the lowest possible price I can sell the work for without it actually costing me money to make the sale. It’s quite a risk working this way, because I need to sell 2/3 of the exhibition above the bottom price to even cover my overheads, but then there is an element of danger in any experiment, which this most definitely is.”

The exhibition runs until Christmas, and offers can also be made via the gallery website at

Notes to editors:
The Artfinder’s Gallery has been open in Liverpool since September 2006 and has shown a wide range of art from old master drawings and works by Sir Peter Blake, to surreal pastels and organic contemporary sculptures.

Opening prices on the works of art in the Iraqi Prints exhibition start at £890

lydia bates ltd
Lydia Bates
0151 236 5100